I was sitting in bed reading till about 11 & turned the light out. It's been a long day on my feet, whatever, don't judge me because I like to sleep. HOWEVER I have since been kicked out of bed. Why? There's a fucking BEETLE in my bed. It looks scary, its like maybe 3, 4 cm long? And wide? And it stretches its wings? I'd been hearing something crawling around & then I guess...sensed that something was crawling on my pillow. It was crawling in my hair...how DARE that thing crawl in my hair? Ugh I am so fucking pissed off/terrified right now. I want to sleep but even if I was to get a cup and contain it (its still on my bed, it seems to be penetrating (bad word I know) my bedsheets cos its wings are flapping I know its not dead) at some point I'd have to flick it with a knife or some kitchen utensil & I'm not game enough to do that. Progress so far: have taken photo of said beetle with mobile phone. Have (I'm very subtle) turned on light in the hallway in the hopes that Mum or Dad wake up & ask me what's going on & then they can kill it for me. Until then, its me & the computer. Seeing as Mum is a light sleeper I must try and find some loud suspicious noise to drop so she comes in my room. I'm 22 years old & theres no way in HELL I'm gonna go into their room.
Baah. Maybe I'll finish reading my book The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest while I sit on my deskchair staring at the beetle out of the corner of my eye. (Trying to avoid computer. It's not working of course, but reading about Lisbeth Salander the computer hacker has forced me to come to the conclusion that my computer has a/an assortment of virus/es. I also might deliberately drop my phone or something too. Hurry up and die, Beetle! Top night.

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