Tuesday, April 26, 2011

i like to name-drop & advertise more than the abc.

I LOVE the two-piece Kyu

1. Despite the fact that even though they're from Sydney, I can't pronounce/spell any of their song titles.

2. "Cyathea Amintae" brings me to tears. literally. (I had to copy the song title from soundcloud due to not being able to spell it). I was totally having a moment lying in bed last night, literally crying.

3. My friends would probs file them under the 'kooky weird music Liz listens to' category but I prefer the term fucking amazing. I'm totes gonna drag my friends to see them in some bar/warehouse/whatever in the Westside one day.

4. "Rain kisses me on the lips, kisses me all over...."

5. "I've got a bad case of deja-vu, with you. But you've got a bad case of existential woe, in you....I think, I think I think...." LOVE.

In other news, I really really wanna go to Sugarmountain festival :(

Sunday, April 24, 2011

sunday of sorts

Writing blog posts on a sugar high is becoming a habit. I've eaten 300g of chocolate today. Okay, this time when I say I'm not eating sugar I REALLY MEAN IT.

So at about 2pm I decided I should probably get around to doing some homework...get sidetracked, watch more Prozac Nation (a movie about Elizabeth Wurtzel's life, it has Christina Ricci in it (she's awesome, I've loved her since Casper) as well as Jason Biggs (in a serious role!) and Jonathan Rhys Meyers who is GORGEOUS so yeah. She's a really fucked up character who goes crazy when she's trying to write papers for university, I thought it might motivate me to do the same...obviously didn't work. Although, it made me feel good when Lizzy (the character, not me) blasts music at 4am & her roommate gets pissed and in defence she yells 'music helps me concentrate'...SOMEONE GETS IT!

I had an epiphany & it occurred to me that perhaps I should do some uni readings, so to procrastinate further I thought it might be time to install the printer for our home computer on a network - a cd-rom that's been sitting on my desk for two weeks - so I can print stuff from my laptop directly & then start my readings. What a fucking waste of time, the printer didn't install properly due to not being found on the network or some shit. Mum then tells me we've changed the network password, argh. I FUCKING HATE COMPUTERS. Blast Splendora, try again, doesn't work, blast Splendora again, now I'm blasting Glee. Go figure.

So Mum cames in & in my angst I decide, what the hell, I'm angry, I may as well just finish off a substantial proportion of the chocolate I've hoarded. Mum walks in:

Mum: "what are you doing? Why is the computer on? TURN OFF THE SWITCHES its such a waste stop being lazy etc/to that effect
Me: Oh just binging on chocolate, I may as well. And i was trying to install the printer software, aren't you proud of me? I'm doing something constructive!
Mum: Have you eaten ALL that chocolate? AND a block
Me: (mum doesn't hear)It's only 100g, that's only HALF of a cadbury block
Mum: No wonder you feel sick.

Mum then proceeds to help herself to a few pieces of my Green & Blacks chocolate block.

Me: Hey, I paid good money for that! steady on (Mum had 3 of 30 pieces, I had 27...yeah I'm so generous
Mum: It doesn't hurt to share

In other news; THERE'S A LORD OF THE FRIES ON CHAPEL ST!!! I did not know this. Oh god, everyone reading this must think I'm such a fatty. I'm being healthy from now on I promise :(

2. I'm liking beer more than I used to, and shiraz is still my no.1
3. Note to self: eat dinner before you go out. Perhaps not the Gourlay family roast, but something more than 2 fetta olives
4. Faux Pas & Gold Panda are great to power-walk to! Totally killed my hangover! Electronic dancey experimental stuff (I think). Also, go to Faux Pas link because there's a free download & it's really cool.
5. My dog is the worst car passenger EVER. Omg, it takes so long to convince him to get in the car, he cries the whole time, ugh.
6. The walk of shame to Sandy station to pick up my car is never, ever enjoyable.
7. Am I really stupid enough to get the wrong train home? And pass three stops before I realise? God. It MUST'VE been an express.
8. Is it wrong to get a lift with a red p-plater? I'm older & therefore should do the honours? But I'm shit at directions?
9. & on that note, I'm gonna have a massive big party when I get off my P's. March 2012. ssssooooooooooo ffffaaaaaaarrrrrrrr awaaaaaaaaaaay.
10. Why hasn't anyone liked my facebook status yet? Surely people 'like' that I ate 300g of chocolate? I really need to get out more.

Friday, April 22, 2011

another ten songs.

Because I'm looking for ways to procrastinate that don't involve facebook and eating chocolate.


Tune-Yards: Bizness. watch: here- VIDEO IS HILARIOUS

& download in mp3 form here:

Cyathea Amintae by kyusounds

FISHING - White Sheet Beach by ollie713

that's all folks!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i like to hoard junk food.

Why do I toture myself? At my dreaded place of work, we have cadbury blocks on special: 2 for $5 (but the weekly promotion ends today, for any of my Melbourne friends vowing to rush out & buy some tomorrow). I have purchased 2 blocks: 1 top deck & 1 rocky road, my two favourite. And, because I was in the 'let's spend money on junk food' mode I noticed that Greens & Blacks (the more sophisticated, socially-conscious brand of chocolate) 100g blocks were on special too, so of course I had to buy some, AND another Lindt rabbit. I've bought more Easter chocolate for myself than I have for other people (how embarassing, I'm 22 not 12). Perhaps I should make a note & work out how much money I actually spend on junk food from now until the end of the year. As I'm on this ridiculous 'no sugar' diet (basically no muffins & chocolate, a spoon of fake sugar in my porridge doesn't count) of course I can't eat them yet. However I will break this as a reward for finishing an essay or something like that. I also made an executive decision that if I drink a cocktail with sugar in it (ie Long Island iced tea) this also doesn't count. AND I'm allowed one Wizz Fizz lollipop per day to cure my cravings/get the taste of a cheese sandwich out of my mouth.

Also today I bought some Natural Confectionary lollies because you could buy 3 x
200g packs for $5, and they're normally $2.50 each. God I'm such a bogan....thank god I'm not one of those people who buy literally a whole trolley full of chocolate/lollies when on special (these people are usually ethnic/from overseas to take overseas/own a shop/stocking up for a child's birthday party). I am basically a chronic junk food hoarder. In other hoarding news, I have forbidden myself from buying more cd's until the 3 I've ordered online come (from 2 from ebay & a Melbourne independent record label so it'll be ages). This will probably last about 2days. I need the new TV On The Radio album now.

The point of this post really is to post about how much I'm struggling with NOT eating this junk food. The whole 'outta site, outta mind' thing is absolute bullshit. I spent my entire 3hour shift at work selling easter chocolate & picturing myself devouring an entire packet of Lindt Cookies & Cream eggs infront of the tv, and making lists of chocolate I simply HAD to buy when I finished work. Obsessed much? As for now, I've been home for 4.5hours and haven't touched any of it, it's in a cupboard but I could easily get it without getting off my chair...oh god. It's only 2.75 hours till dinner though & I am sufficiently full on a cheese sandwich, apple, milk and dangerous quantities of herbal tea. I shouldn't be spending so much time thinking about chocolate, I'm blogging about it for FUCKS SAKE. Fuck 3 hour shifts for ruining my morning tea too, after 1 hour I was DYING of hunger I cannot last 3 hours without food that is just cruel.

Anyway I should probably get back to reading journal articles. Tomorrow I will start essay one month in advance, maybe? I'm going downstairs to eat rice biscuits. Bye bye.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I had to let out some rage (take two).

1. When Westfield staff set the esculators the opposite direction that they normally do; i.e. the WRONG way. As someone who power-walks around a shopping centre in designated 15 minute breaks (so as to make the most of aforementioned break & spend the minimum time possible amongst fellow shoppers), anything that contributes to slowing me down and/or making me walk an extra distance inevitably pisses me off. Also, Westfield staff in general.

2. Parliament train station. There's these steps that are sooooo steep it's positively ridiculous. Parliament station reminds me of both the airport & the London underground, scaaary. I felt dizzy on these steps, I was puffing, I am so so unfit, ugh.

3. Frozen Bread. As we've only got three people living in our house & when don't always use the bread for lunch/eat at home, we freeze our bread. Which is fine if you freeze it when it's fresh, but when it's been in the freezer for more than a month...it's STALE. Gross.

4. Running in heels (self-explanatory).

5. Working on Sundays. Really? Really? Hate hate hate it, I need a homework day/day for a nap/to read the Sunday paper/to go on a long walk. I resent this being taken away from me.

6. My afro hair. I have extremely thick, somewhat colour-damaged, wavy hair. it's often dry and frizzy and so fucking annoying, even the 2nd day of washing it it hasn't relaxed & become magically moisturised like it usually does. If only it was less afro.

7. Earphones while I sleep! Every night when I go to sleep I listen to my iPod (I'm not cool enough for an iPhone) with earphones. I set it on the 60 minute sleep timer & I either fall asleep in the last 10 minutes or am re-setting it because it's one of those nights it takes me HOURS to get to sleep. Anyway, I roll over a lot in my sleep, and I wake up being STRANGLED by my earphones. I'm always scared I'll die in my sleep.

8. Children & teenagers should be banned from shopping centres

9. Pretentious Marketing students that pretend to be studio arts students and wear red lipstick, shorts with tights & patent high-heels - especially at 8:30am on Monday mornings.

10. Low-fat, low-salt savoy biscuits. Honestly, what's the point? Licking the salt off the 'good' side is the best bit about savoy biscuits. And people who are on a diet eat Vita-Grains or shit like that anyway.

11. Teenage boys who wear too much aftershave. OMG. I can't breathe.

12. Customers who call me any of the following: sweetie, sweetheart, honey-pie, "hun", babe, my actual name (it's creepy if you read my name-tag)...the list goes on.

13. Michelle Bridges.

14. When anti-histamines don't work.

15. That patch in my/your ugg boots that's worn through but the rest of the boots are amazingly soft so you have to put with it

16. It's FLY BYS not FLY BYE. Fly Bys vs. 'that orange card you get at Safeway.' Download the form off the internet, I can't be fucked to walk over & get one.

17. Not getting a car-park in my own street.

18. Having to drive to uni only for a 1.5hour lecture. Oh what a WASTE.

19. Radio stations that don't tune properly: for instance I have 2 devices which have radio in my room, one of them gets PBS (106.7), one of them doesn't...but they're only one metre apart? WTF?

20. Spending your whole day getting excited about an apple & walnut scroll, and then they only have coffee scrolls left at 5pm. FML, seriously.

the end.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

what's on my mind?

things i can't post to facebook because nobody cares & I might piss people off & then they might delete me & I want to keep stalking them.

1. Spice Girls - Spice is the best all-girl group album ever. If U Can't Dance, Naked...omg

2. Writing blogs in my dressing gown on a Saturday night is becoming a habit. As is not doing my homework. As of Tuesday no essays for a while...thank fuck for that.

3. Yesterday afternoon I decided that I'd go on a no junk food & no coffee blitz for one week, starting 6pm Friday. HOWEVER this morning I was so tired so I amended the plan to no sugar: this way I can have coffee & wine. I can't remember the last time I felt this empty.

4. My work shoes (which are supposed to be black) are turning grey. But I don't know how to use the shoe-cleaner (I believe its called polish?)

5. GOK was at Southland today. I don't understand the appeal. I think he's some sort of fashion stylist similar to Carlson Cressley? Furthermore, what's with the screaming? Honestly, people are like dogs: one starts barking/screaming, they all start barking. But if you're working at a shopping centre and there's crying babies...really. Adult females, of all people, should know better.

6. It's nearly been 1.5 days since I last ate sugar!

7. Nobody should wear crop-tops when they're running on Beach Rd bike track. Unless you've got rock-hard abs & the crop top is made of VERY THICK MATERIAL. Some people needed to be reminded of this.

8. I wish I could construct a paragraph and stop typing in dot points.

9. I shouldn't drink tea so late, imma gonna need to go to the bathroom like 10 times tonight. FML.

10. Alanis Morissette - Not The Doctor (Jagged Little Pill). Nostalgia.

11. My new red metallic Sigg waterbottle is overwhelmingly sexy.

...okay I'm done.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

new exciting discoveries/distractions!

1. Daria! I've finally finished downloading it. Also, I downloaded Splendora's only ever cd & decided they've become my new Sleater-Kinney. I love angry girl music, yeah. I also bought the only copy of their cd in 'like new' condition off ebay. Had quite a meltdown when I forgot my ebay password & I got the secret questions I'd set for myself wrong so I had to wait half a day before they'd let me try again & I was all in a panic that someone would buy it, but yes I got it! I'm a winner!

2. http://soundcloud.com/bluntinstrument/sets/remixes > go to Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out). My lovely Canadian friend posted this on facebook a few days ago & I quite like it.

3. I can't stop listening to this:

4. Go Kevin!!! Poor bloke: Kevin on Q & A Monday night


6. It's catchy, but I think I just like it because of the swearing.

7. Quite a lot of things/more than usual on the coming soon list at Polyester.

8. THE HILLS SEASON 6 IS OUT TOMORROW! (How embarassing, I have the whole thing now)

Okay I can't think of more than 8. Goodbye.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

how i procrastinate

99.5% of the people I know are really really good procrastinators. But what does everyone actually DO when they procrastinate (other than facebook)?

What I've done:
- watched this:

(omg so American, how did I manage to sit through the whole thing? But she makes it look so easy when in reality it's probably really hard. I wish my fringe would hurry up and grow out so I can have long hair!)

- browsed etsy, topshop & asos
- RRR & PBS playlists. Breaking & Entering is up!
- Emailed one of my lecturers - is there any way my topic can be a little bit contained?
- Read everyone's status updates on facebook
- Tried on clothes I bought online
- Walked for 45 minutes
- Skimmed through today's age, read yesterday's age
- Continued to download Daria
- stalked a few people that I've never met & as much of their photo collections as possible.
- Looked at all the blogs/tumblr accounts I 'follow.' Also, download free music off music blogs.
- Had breakfast, morning tea, lunch & 2 cadbury mini eggs (like 5g each okay! They came with my Market HQ delivery!)
- Plugged my earphones into my laptop & blasted music for about half an hour
- Yeah that's about it. It's 10 past 2.

Homework/Study Wise:
- Read 3 journal articles/weekly readings
- Typed up a front page! And made a few headings!
- Read the article I'm critiquing many times
- read a few more articles I potentially considered
- Made more tea & went to the toilet a lot, yeah.

OH and something really funny happened today. I wrote up above that I got clothes online delivered. WELL I was out walking at the time & the guy left the Australia post delivery notice in our letterbox but because the guy knows me/recognizes me, he was driving down my street (I must've just missed him) and he got out of the car and gave them to me! Yay! But it is a bit sad that the registered post delivery guy knows you that well...

tada x

argh! I want to write 500 words by the end of today and not do homework after 9:30 and I want Mum to come home because she's bringing me coffee yay yay yay


Friday, April 1, 2011

i had to let out some rage.



2. Customers who want 'extra' plastic bags, or plastic bags for toliet paper. Even when they've got a trolley. Or giving someone 50 plastic bags because they didn't wanna buy them at Target/Aldi. Trust me, Safeway does not give a flying fuck if you bought it from us, or even if you stole it from them. Show them your receipt if you have to, but seriously, nobody's gonna ask cos' nobody cares. Have you even heard of climate change?

3. Anything to do with Justin Beiber.

4. Lecturer's that don't hyperlink reading lists for their weekly readings & declare the reference list for each weekly topic the reading list > hours spent trying to find readings, only to discover Monash Library doesn't have the journal in the one year you need. Example: Reading for Social Work Journal Vol.5, Number 2, 2004. University library stocks years 1978-2003, 2006 to current. On different databases. Fuck you Monash Library System!

5. The fact that Emily Haines never made a real cd out of the 'Cut In Half and Double' EP and I can't find it on ebay.

6. Spilling coffee on my laptop. Again.

7. Plastic surgery/people who have plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons only.

8. Homework. In general.

9. Being so stressed that you leave your coin purse at Baker's Delight. And bothering to pick it up in your break, only to discover that the damn shop closes at 7pm so you have to come back tomorrow. Better not steal my coins fuckers!!!

10. Being ready to hop into bed, only to realise you haven't made it yet. My Mum is MEAN.

11. People that block the right side of the esculator. Really.

12. Putting off buying petrol/forgetting you have none, and then having to pay $9239320932090923 for it.

13. Realising that your laptop probably/definitely has a serious virus, but continuing to hysterically back everything up & not downloading the latest virus software because it's too fucking slow/you can never remember which version you're supposed to download/it interferes with the 50596868689 other windows you have open and you're too busy to do that shit. Continuing to hope for the best but start to cry when computer freezes/Task Manager multplys itself like 10000000 times and you have to switch the thing off & say a prayer that your poor baby (a piece of metal) will be okay.

14. When online orders don't come on time, or the packaging is a little crushed.

15. Leaves/birdshit/cobwebs on my car (but being too lazy to clean them off)

16. When you download a whole movie off Vuze, and it ends up being in French, or the volume doesn't work.

17. The fact that Facebook STILL doesn't have a dislike button.

18. When you watch Winners & Losers on Channel 7 (8:30-9:30), and intend on watching Nurse Jackie & Californication from 9:30-10:45, but Winners & Losers ends up finishing at 9:50 so you miss pretty much all of Nurse Jackie. YOU'VE DONE IT AGAIN CHANNEL 7.

19. Licorice. Gross.

20. Customers (that you don't even recognize) that remember your name even when you deliberately don't wear your name badge. Freaky. Go away.