FUCK I hate technology. Ironically, yes, I'm 'blogging' & therefore using the internet i.e. technology but seriously. Most of it doesn't work, or is just a massive, massive hassle. It's so HARD, even generation y's like myself. For example, tonight, I'm going out. I have numerous chargers/gadgets under my desk.
- Laptop power cord
- Stereo cord
- Desk Light cord
- Phone cord
- Mobile phone charger
- camera charger
- rechargable battery charger
- iPod charger.
Seeing as the phone, light, stereo & laptop occupy all 4 slots at once, how the fuck am I supposed to charge my camera and phone at the same time? Sit in darkness?
Oh, and there's the damn tIvo. Power outage? Completely ruins my tv schedule. The tivo has this annoying sound every time you press a button...it takes bloody ages to find the 'now playing' list and then IT DELETES THINGS WITHOUT TELLING YOU. I mean, if you don't set it to 'until I delete' it will delete itself. Too many menus & too many screens to get to what you want. AND the dvd player in the lounge room is so damn slow it takes at minimum x 3 'this disc could not be played' screens before the dvd will eventually load. Touchwood, I don't have any major issues with my laptop. Thankgod. Maybe a whole lot of the technology in our house needs updating, maybe I need to just get out more & not have a life revolving around technology, but whatever. Oh, and DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE FUCKING SELF SERVE MACHINES AT WORK. I could write a thesis on how much I hate these things. Dumbest thing invented. If you ever head to a Woolworths-branded store, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to boycott the damn things & see a person instead. Unless, of course, you're buying condoms & the prospect of facing a checkout chick is too embarassing.
What else can I complain about? More late.
Song of post: The Kills - No Wow
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