Can I move into someone's house for the next week? Seriously? Because our house SMELLS.
Omg. We have dead rats under the house. About a week ago, Mum noticed rat/mice poo. So, we thought we had 'rodents' under the house. Dad & I just laughed and told the woman to stop being silly. So she chucks some poison under the house (the hole is too small to actually get into/under/out from). So, we've killed them. BUT THEY SMELL LIKE SHIT. We have to close every. single. door. I can't walk around the house, I have to hold my breath. Thankgod for working, at 5:30 it was like, nnnnoooooo i don't wanna come home, because my house smells. It's like smelling poo, combined with shitty useless deodorant, 24/7. My room is okay now that I've shut the door for over 24 hours but it's still bad. Dad think it's absolutely hilarious because HE CAN'T SMELL IT he must be mad. He is mad. Oh, ok, sure, it's okay for him, working 60+ hours a week, he's hardly home anway so it's all ok for him.
So, my action plan for the today:
Well I was gonna go to either Body Pump or Body Balance at 9:30am, but Mum has volunteered for me to go to yoga with her at 11:30, so
9am - Go for my 1.25 hour walk
10:15-11:15 - Read/get changed/read
11:30-12:30 - Yoga
12:30-2: Read. Basically stay in my room.
3-6:30 - Work. Then manipulate young kid into driving me to my car. Hope that car actually starts. Drive home
7-8: Wolf down some veggie burgers (courtesy of Sanitarium, quick meal before going out)
8:30pm > Cat Empire at the Toff with the mother. She's beyond obsessed, we're on the VIP list even! We get all the early ticket sales and such. I've decided I'm in love with the Toff as a venue. I also have the option of meeting up with girls who are out at the Deck for a friend's 22nd, but I don't think that's likely. I could only meet them for an hour or so & then it creates problems getting home so I doubt it will happen.
I've just realised that this is quite possibly such a boring boring post. So I shall be off trying on outfits right now...
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