Sunday, June 6, 2010

fights with customers over plastic bags, and the hills

It's Sunday morning, my facebook news feed has had nothing new for 38 minutes and I'm bored. I should just go for a walk, or go downstairs and eat and read the age, because I've only skimmed the entertainment section thus far.

I have 300ish words left of one essay and I'm stressing because it's shit and worth 70% and I don't think I did it right. The 'body' section of the Herald Sun (we get the Herald Sun delivered on Sundays, and Sundays only (for the mags), we're waaaaaay too well-educated to be reading the herald sun daily, got it?) has an article entitled 'why stress is making you fat' and i think it needs to be on my reading list asap.

Yesterday was gay, work was busy and it was raining and I parked next to L-plater and got driven to my car by a red-p-plater. One of my favourite pastimes at work is sitting in the lunch room, staring out at the window at all the people who can't drive properly/have road-rage fights/people backing into cars and driving off thinking no one noticed/people who park worse than me and those poor police officers that have to occasionally patrol the car park. Top quality entertainment. At the end of the day, Melbourne is over-populated, full of bogan people who have nothing better to do than shop at shitty chain stores/department stores, hence more cars, more shit, more pollution etc etc. On Friday I nearly got a fight into a customer about this(pollution): I HATE HATE HATE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DOUBLE BAG THEIR STUFF OMFG IS IT REALLY THAT HARD TO BUY A GREEN BAG? This rant will not be repeated, however, it got to the point where she said 'do you want me to go somewhere else' and I was so, so tempted to say 'do you really think I give a shit' but lolz so funny I nearly slapped her in the face. I LOVE that when they ask me for a second bag I'm like 'oh...I just's just that we don't like to use too much plastic...' I'm so amused they think I'm trying to cover my back; really I'm trying to EDUCATE PEOPLE because I am a) much better educated and b) a snob.

I've also been up-to-date with The Hills, I read that Lauren isn't returning for the final I am soooooooooo dissappointed. Man. I'm not hating Kristen as much as I thought I would, I've recently decided that Lo is my favourite, she reminds me of Donna on Neighbours a bit. My other favourite was Holly Montag, I mean, I love how she just buries her head in her hands when Heidi & their Mum or Heidi & Spencer are fighting.

I'm disturbed I can write 500 words in <10 minutes blogging but it can literally take me days to write 500 words of an essay. Hopefully I'ma be a hermit until Friday then I am FREE and there will be no more complaining about essay writing until July.

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