The fact I'm listening to Cat Power & depressing guitar-based stuff reflects my mood. At least I haven't got to the 'let's explore my high-school cds' and pull out Brand New or TBS or something yet.
Cat Power-Moonshiner by torsten.veblen
My motivation is pretty poor, considering I've only done 1500/10, 500 words, which has to be finished by May 23. Uni is stressing me the FUCK out, omgz totes can't wait till its over, like, omg, fml (stress has made me forget how to use proper english). I'm distracting myself at every opportunity, sleeping badly, eating badly, rarely attending to my gorgeous dog, not bothering to shower every day or pick up my clothes off the floor, forgetting what day it is & doing too many things at once but achieving nothing. What's worse, I'm reading through the SAME reviews on music blogs & stalking the same people on facebook over and over because I'm going all out to procrastinate & am I in that much of a frenzy that I can't remember what I've done? That being said I have higher expectations of myself to fit things in (i.e., socialising)...I took the sensible option of being a designated driver so I wouldn't be hungover, but, by golly, I am the SHITTEST at directions in the dark. I thought I'd be okay. I'm ashamed of the fact 18-19 year olds are just so much more, well, competent at this shit compared to me. Not knowing where I am going makes me feel confident enough to do things I NEVER do in daylight or on my own - like drive through a library carpark, go through a stop sign & do a three point turn on a main road. Yeah, i set such a good example for the red-p-plater children I drive around.
On a higher note, a big Happy Birthday(!!!!!!!) to a dear my friend today. I know you read this & will know i'm referring to you, it's the 3rd of May woooooo. Haha. Yes. Moving on now.
I think I will go power-walking now to the New Weird Australia cd I downloaded off bandcamp. Till next time folks:
Teeth & Tongue - Walls by Teeth & Tongue
(see, I told you my latest music obsessions reflect my mood)
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