1. eating entire packets of (brown and multigrain) (!!!!!) rice biscuits
2. Browsing about 50 different tumblr blogs of Melbourne artists & downloading all the links they upload of their favourite songs.
3. Feeling inadequate because I suck at making links, I don't have a lastfm account (made one today! Wow, the things I do when I'm 'studying'), I'm not creative, my hair isn't long, my roots are gonna take absolutley fucking ages to grow out, I don't know enough cool music, I will never have the time to listen to everything I've downloaded anyway, I don't live in Collingwood/am waaay too comfortable with living off my parents, will never have enough willpower to turn down processed food, have already used up my credit card limit so can't download anything new off bandcamp, am too lazy to browse through 55,000 new clothes on etsy...oh well. I do, at least, have a keepcup for when I buy take-away coffee?
4. Spending 45 minutes trying to open the packaging for my new Megastick Fanfare cd that came in the mail - until I found the scissors (fail)
5. Restarting my computer fifteen billion times & re-naming my essays to: 'SWM5421: Assignment 2 (Autosaved)'
6. Listening to my old Aloha cd.
7. Actually going for a walk! And not being waaaay too cold in 3/4 leggings.
8. Wearing my tracksuit pants the wrong-way-round, and not realising for three hours.
9. Yelling at my Dad - he dared to eat the last Berry Bliss flavoured yoghurt!!! I am extremely pissed off. I swear to GOD it was the last Ski D'Light Berry Bliss flavoured yoghurt in the whole of Melbourne. I forced myself to have the strawberry last night because I wanted to save the Berry for tonight (best till last, you know), and now its GONE. Devastated. Dad thought his was hilarious :(
10. If you haven't guessed, avoiding my assignment. Ignorance can be bliss.
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