1. I've downloaded so much that as of 7pm last night, we have 600mb to last until the 23rd of February. I'm already craving to download & stream more. Shit.
2. On the plus side it meant I spent a whole afternoon NOT on the computer. Which meant reading. I finally finished Eat, Pray, Love - initially I began reading it because Mum had borrowed it off a friend & I figured I was in the mood for a light read, i.e. some trash. I wasn't impressed with it & don't understand the fuss over it, it's not amazing? The India spiritual part is BORING and the last section is overly predictable. The book's protagonist Liz (shudder, my name) annoys me the whole time. Oh well. I've read 80 pages of Norwegian Wood by Huraki Murakami so no doubt I will finish it soon. This brings the total of books I've collected (hoarded) and have yet to read to 23 (3 of which belong to my parents). This is down from about 30 & I planned to finish this pile by the end of Feb/two weeks time when I start uni. Oh well. At least I haven't purchased any new books for a while.
3. Haven't bought any new cds either. Must stop online shopping because I feel guilty for downloading so much music I'll never have time to listen to. I'm listening to the radio more too, so I'm getting through less cds & iPod listening in a day. My lack of purchasing cds basically comes down to the fact that I'm still paying off the last lot, but I'll be sure to buy a few hundred dollars worth before uni goes back. A trip to Polyester is due before uni goes back, methinks.
4. On the radio note, what is it with RRR playing Jamie xx's remix of Gill Scott Heron's 'New York is Killing Me' every hour? Seriously, its not overwhelming fantastic. It's the same with anything off Halcyon Digest (which I love, but anyway).
5. I'm house-bound playing 'nurse' to my father who had a short trip in hospital. He's bored shitless and has spent considerable time on the phone. The cardio doctor told him to not drink coffee or beer, and as we walked out of the hospital last night the second thing he said to me (after I told him where the car was) was "No beer...fuck." He drank two 'light' beers a few hours after returning home. rambled something about not drinking being not a proven fact for causing heart problems but just an opinion. I said "I'm sure you can work up to it." By no means is my father a big drinker, but he does have 2-4 beers a day with no days "off". We'll see.
6. I want it to rain so I don't feel lazy about not being assed to go for a walk.
7. Do I really have to go to work?
Okay, I'm rambling. Time for early lunch, I'm bored.
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