It's Sunday morning. I've been awake since 4:30am & I'm listening to Christina Aguilera - Back to Basics. This morning I've achieved:
- eating 3 Weet Bix Hi Bran w/ Physical Low Fat Milk & Peppermint Tea
- Lying in bed listening to the rain and: Royksopp, Sleep Soundly mix (found on flashlightag), Experimental Dental School, Whitest Boy Alive & The Bamboo's
- Spent five minutes helping Dad find the 'zoom' button in Microsoft Outlook for Windows 7
If it's possibly even more tragic, I spent the evening alone in my bedroom watching two episodes of True Blood & browsing music blogs, etsy, and making playlists for people on iTunes. And eating a 200g cadbury lindt bunny rabbit (fuck off, I allow myself 1-5 Easter present/s to myself every year...I just started early this year...but hey, it's been one month since boxing day & Easter stuff started selling then...I held off a whole month!!!).
I can't go for a walk because it's raining. PISSED OFF to the max because I like walking at times when most normal people are asleep. I've been walking different routes lately (avoiding major roads = less noise = can actually hear music) & was very very excited to walk later. BUT due to the rain I might have to go to the gym. I must get a move on with this; it's only 9am but my parents go together on Sunday afternoons (you're thinking how cute, right? Maybe, but I don't need to be there to watch it).
Oh, and I've come to the shocking realization in the last few days that it won't be long before I need a new iPod. Because, I download a fuckload of music and I've used about 60% of my iPod. I'm not someone to delete anything - not so I can boast that I have x amount of songs, but because often songs get old and then five years later they're as good as the first time you heard them. Or, they can be songs you hate but remind you of certain moments you'd rather not forget (like those terrible disco tracks around at the time I finished year 12). I've also realised that perhaps someone needs to write to Apple & tell them they need to invent a 1 tera-bite (is that what they're called? A tera-bite?) iPod. Why?
- iPhones are PHONES. Yeah, they have a music player which might suffice for a 30 minute train trip but that's as far as it goes. Music obsessives want their music SEPARATE to everything else. Also, 64gig is not NEARLY enough space for music, let alone apps and everything. (Not trying to shit all over iPhones, they seem cool for apps, but I'm just pissed because my mother has one before me & I've got eighteen months before the contract on my nokia n97 mini expires)
- iPads are SCREENS. Actually, I don't really know, are they screens to read digital books on or are they touch-screen computers? But the last time I went to the hairdresser's they were playing music from an iPad as wel? Now I'm on the apple website and there's a link to Apple Video? I'm totes confused. Anyway, I can't exactly carry around a massive screen with me when I go walking, can I? And when I'm lying in bed I can't use one either, I'd roll over & smash the screen (I use headphones & avoid plugging into other devices for optimum sound quality)
- iPod nano: Designed for 'on the go' play but only hold <10 gig. i.e, inferior for music snobs. And, you can't see what song is playing because they have basically no screen.
-iTouch: I think a few of my niece's have one, aren't they just iPods that connect to the internet and you can download games? I also don't understand these things.
Currently the biggest iPod 'classic' holds 160gig. I'm 22 & have 60gig of music, downloading maybe 3-4 gig a month. That's roughly 40gig a year. SHIT.
*off to steal the magazines from the Sunday paper & take up to my room. Happy Sunday*
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
i've got the internet back today! I've downloaded 4gigs already (1/3rd of the download limit!!!) LOVE my life haha. Love that my parents are away tonight & tomorrow, love that at 8am my whole family is going internet mad. Omg, we can actually look at photos on facebook again! Mum can get her emails & so can Dad - I was such a good daughter helping Dad change the font size this morning.
What I've done without the internet: listening to lots of cool stuff lately, wagging Body Pump at the gym in favour of listening to Breaking & Entering on RRR, the usual. Deliberately not answering phone calls from work, walking, being the friend you call in a crisis, watching True Blood, attempting to get a head start on readings for uni but failing miserably. Even making new folders on windows with different subject codes and downloading (ever so slowly) journal articles, let alone reading them, is beyond painful. Thank-god I'm an on-campus student, I need the emotional support & reassurance that academic literature is indeed academic and not the easiest thing to read in the world.
I've been reading The Finkler Question but I have to admit it's not really 'grabbing' me. It either has a lot of themes I don't quite understand, or explains quite fully, or there just isn't anything all that great about the plot. Music-wise I've finally got around to listening to DJ Vadim properly and also Erykah Badu, Noah and the Whale, Atlas Sound (Bradford Cox of Deerhunter, his 'Bedroom databank' collection) and the new Deerhoof. True Blood I've got into & I can't for the life of me think why: none of the cast are good-looking (Ryan Kwanten has a too-good body, his veins freak me out), the plot is pretty average & none of dialouge is particularly snappy or funny or whatever. It's Twilight with sex, basically.
This post was for me to look back on & remember what I was doing in late Feb'11. It's boring. Tada.
What I've done without the internet: listening to lots of cool stuff lately, wagging Body Pump at the gym in favour of listening to Breaking & Entering on RRR, the usual. Deliberately not answering phone calls from work, walking, being the friend you call in a crisis, watching True Blood, attempting to get a head start on readings for uni but failing miserably. Even making new folders on windows with different subject codes and downloading (ever so slowly) journal articles, let alone reading them, is beyond painful. Thank-god I'm an on-campus student, I need the emotional support & reassurance that academic literature is indeed academic and not the easiest thing to read in the world.
I've been reading The Finkler Question but I have to admit it's not really 'grabbing' me. It either has a lot of themes I don't quite understand, or explains quite fully, or there just isn't anything all that great about the plot. Music-wise I've finally got around to listening to DJ Vadim properly and also Erykah Badu, Noah and the Whale, Atlas Sound (Bradford Cox of Deerhunter, his 'Bedroom databank' collection) and the new Deerhoof. True Blood I've got into & I can't for the life of me think why: none of the cast are good-looking (Ryan Kwanten has a too-good body, his veins freak me out), the plot is pretty average & none of dialouge is particularly snappy or funny or whatever. It's Twilight with sex, basically.
This post was for me to look back on & remember what I was doing in late Feb'11. It's boring. Tada.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
why i hate Michelle Bridges
that woman is a BITCH!
It's Sunday morning & I'm reading through the Sunday magazines from the Age & Herald Sun in bed (with the Manic's, no less) and of course I've skimmed through Body + Soul (Herald Sun) as well. Anyway, I was reading Michelle Bridge's column in the back section of Sunday Life (The Age) (next to the horoscopes) and decided I needed to rant about how much this woman pisses me off. As someone who suffered from anorexia, I fucking HATE the section "day on a plate" where some tv celebrity (insert Getaway host or Home-And-Away 'star' here) reveals to the world what they eat in a day. In short, it's so fucking unrealistic. Nobody ONLY eats salmon & salad for dinner, a "small sandwich" for lunch and a smoothie for breakfast. Nobody drinks 4 litres of water a day. I feel like screaming, is that ALL you fucking eat? My recovery-minded head has turned me into a raging feminist on this topic - and if you've ever read the Beauty Myth, it tells you that basically we're biologically programmed to eat more than 1200 calories a day, and it's GOOD FOR YOU!!! Get it, Michelle? There's a reason you look like a man)
BUT God forbid you tell the whole of Melbourne you had fish & chips for dinner. Yes, it's all about presenting your 'best self' and all, but there's a reason reality television is so popular. Society craves REAL people. Oh, and having a snack of an apple or green tea doesn't make you normal because an apple isn't a snack. Christ. The worst thing about it & the main reason I hate Michelle Bridges is because she encourages you to eat nothing; she goes on about how women don't need to eat that much, and praises someone when they don't snack/only eat vegetables and fish. What about bread or dairy? At least she advocates for avacados and olive oil.
WHO FUCKING CARES if you don't lose the last 5kgs, what about actually enjoying life? Now I'm not suggesting you go & have fish and chips for every meal, but come on, we were all much slimmer in previous generations without all this diet marketing rubbish. We now like to see the reverse: everyone I know who watches the Biggest Loser does so eating junk food. I don't watch the Biggest Loser (isn't it on at the same time as ABC news?) but Michelle should be grateful, I'd have much worse things to say about her if I did).
*I know this whole post is a bit hypocritical, when I've had a a bad run of eating junk food I get on a 'I'm so fat' mindset and vow to not eat so much. I'm human and self-conscious and not exacly gorgeous like the rest of us. BUT, when I'm being normal I tend to lose the weight naturally without doing anything other than drinking a small instead of a regular coffee, eating one muesli bar instead of six & having a coffee scroll instead of a custard one. Life is about life. End rant.
**I also have very limited internet at the moment. it's exceptionally slow & my fault: I downloaded too much Atlas Sound & Deerhoof & Aphex Twin & Gossip Girl and now I'm suffering the consequences. The consequence being that telstra slowed down our internet to a bare minimum. I basically can't view images and it's killing me. Back up & running on the 23rd of Feb. Amen
It's Sunday morning & I'm reading through the Sunday magazines from the Age & Herald Sun in bed (with the Manic's, no less) and of course I've skimmed through Body + Soul (Herald Sun) as well. Anyway, I was reading Michelle Bridge's column in the back section of Sunday Life (The Age) (next to the horoscopes) and decided I needed to rant about how much this woman pisses me off. As someone who suffered from anorexia, I fucking HATE the section "day on a plate" where some tv celebrity (insert Getaway host or Home-And-Away 'star' here) reveals to the world what they eat in a day. In short, it's so fucking unrealistic. Nobody ONLY eats salmon & salad for dinner, a "small sandwich" for lunch and a smoothie for breakfast. Nobody drinks 4 litres of water a day. I feel like screaming, is that ALL you fucking eat? My recovery-minded head has turned me into a raging feminist on this topic - and if you've ever read the Beauty Myth, it tells you that basically we're biologically programmed to eat more than 1200 calories a day, and it's GOOD FOR YOU!!! Get it, Michelle? There's a reason you look like a man)
BUT God forbid you tell the whole of Melbourne you had fish & chips for dinner. Yes, it's all about presenting your 'best self' and all, but there's a reason reality television is so popular. Society craves REAL people. Oh, and having a snack of an apple or green tea doesn't make you normal because an apple isn't a snack. Christ. The worst thing about it & the main reason I hate Michelle Bridges is because she encourages you to eat nothing; she goes on about how women don't need to eat that much, and praises someone when they don't snack/only eat vegetables and fish. What about bread or dairy? At least she advocates for avacados and olive oil.
WHO FUCKING CARES if you don't lose the last 5kgs, what about actually enjoying life? Now I'm not suggesting you go & have fish and chips for every meal, but come on, we were all much slimmer in previous generations without all this diet marketing rubbish. We now like to see the reverse: everyone I know who watches the Biggest Loser does so eating junk food. I don't watch the Biggest Loser (isn't it on at the same time as ABC news?) but Michelle should be grateful, I'd have much worse things to say about her if I did).
*I know this whole post is a bit hypocritical, when I've had a a bad run of eating junk food I get on a 'I'm so fat' mindset and vow to not eat so much. I'm human and self-conscious and not exacly gorgeous like the rest of us. BUT, when I'm being normal I tend to lose the weight naturally without doing anything other than drinking a small instead of a regular coffee, eating one muesli bar instead of six & having a coffee scroll instead of a custard one. Life is about life. End rant.
**I also have very limited internet at the moment. it's exceptionally slow & my fault: I downloaded too much Atlas Sound & Deerhoof & Aphex Twin & Gossip Girl and now I'm suffering the consequences. The consequence being that telstra slowed down our internet to a bare minimum. I basically can't view images and it's killing me. Back up & running on the 23rd of Feb. Amen
Thursday, February 10, 2011
basically an update on my "trying-to-hoard-less" regime
1. I've downloaded so much that as of 7pm last night, we have 600mb to last until the 23rd of February. I'm already craving to download & stream more. Shit.
2. On the plus side it meant I spent a whole afternoon NOT on the computer. Which meant reading. I finally finished Eat, Pray, Love - initially I began reading it because Mum had borrowed it off a friend & I figured I was in the mood for a light read, i.e. some trash. I wasn't impressed with it & don't understand the fuss over it, it's not amazing? The India spiritual part is BORING and the last section is overly predictable. The book's protagonist Liz (shudder, my name) annoys me the whole time. Oh well. I've read 80 pages of Norwegian Wood by Huraki Murakami so no doubt I will finish it soon. This brings the total of books I've collected (hoarded) and have yet to read to 23 (3 of which belong to my parents). This is down from about 30 & I planned to finish this pile by the end of Feb/two weeks time when I start uni. Oh well. At least I haven't purchased any new books for a while.
3. Haven't bought any new cds either. Must stop online shopping because I feel guilty for downloading so much music I'll never have time to listen to. I'm listening to the radio more too, so I'm getting through less cds & iPod listening in a day. My lack of purchasing cds basically comes down to the fact that I'm still paying off the last lot, but I'll be sure to buy a few hundred dollars worth before uni goes back. A trip to Polyester is due before uni goes back, methinks.
4. On the radio note, what is it with RRR playing Jamie xx's remix of Gill Scott Heron's 'New York is Killing Me' every hour? Seriously, its not overwhelming fantastic. It's the same with anything off Halcyon Digest (which I love, but anyway).
5. I'm house-bound playing 'nurse' to my father who had a short trip in hospital. He's bored shitless and has spent considerable time on the phone. The cardio doctor told him to not drink coffee or beer, and as we walked out of the hospital last night the second thing he said to me (after I told him where the car was) was "No beer...fuck." He drank two 'light' beers a few hours after returning home. rambled something about not drinking being not a proven fact for causing heart problems but just an opinion. I said "I'm sure you can work up to it." By no means is my father a big drinker, but he does have 2-4 beers a day with no days "off". We'll see.
6. I want it to rain so I don't feel lazy about not being assed to go for a walk.
7. Do I really have to go to work?
Okay, I'm rambling. Time for early lunch, I'm bored.
2. On the plus side it meant I spent a whole afternoon NOT on the computer. Which meant reading. I finally finished Eat, Pray, Love - initially I began reading it because Mum had borrowed it off a friend & I figured I was in the mood for a light read, i.e. some trash. I wasn't impressed with it & don't understand the fuss over it, it's not amazing? The India spiritual part is BORING and the last section is overly predictable. The book's protagonist Liz (shudder, my name) annoys me the whole time. Oh well. I've read 80 pages of Norwegian Wood by Huraki Murakami so no doubt I will finish it soon. This brings the total of books I've collected (hoarded) and have yet to read to 23 (3 of which belong to my parents). This is down from about 30 & I planned to finish this pile by the end of Feb/two weeks time when I start uni. Oh well. At least I haven't purchased any new books for a while.
3. Haven't bought any new cds either. Must stop online shopping because I feel guilty for downloading so much music I'll never have time to listen to. I'm listening to the radio more too, so I'm getting through less cds & iPod listening in a day. My lack of purchasing cds basically comes down to the fact that I'm still paying off the last lot, but I'll be sure to buy a few hundred dollars worth before uni goes back. A trip to Polyester is due before uni goes back, methinks.
4. On the radio note, what is it with RRR playing Jamie xx's remix of Gill Scott Heron's 'New York is Killing Me' every hour? Seriously, its not overwhelming fantastic. It's the same with anything off Halcyon Digest (which I love, but anyway).
5. I'm house-bound playing 'nurse' to my father who had a short trip in hospital. He's bored shitless and has spent considerable time on the phone. The cardio doctor told him to not drink coffee or beer, and as we walked out of the hospital last night the second thing he said to me (after I told him where the car was) was "No beer...fuck." He drank two 'light' beers a few hours after returning home. rambled something about not drinking being not a proven fact for causing heart problems but just an opinion. I said "I'm sure you can work up to it." By no means is my father a big drinker, but he does have 2-4 beers a day with no days "off". We'll see.
6. I want it to rain so I don't feel lazy about not being assed to go for a walk.
7. Do I really have to go to work?
Okay, I'm rambling. Time for early lunch, I'm bored.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
shit i actually (gasp) say to customers
So yesterday was busy at work. As has been mentioned numerous times in this little blog of mine, I spend a lot of time criticising the 'bogan' demographic of my work's clientele. Anyway. Most of these are not actually funny/only funny to me/you had to be there, but I wanted to document it anyway
Customer to Liz: Are You Having a good day?
Liz Well, you know. It's only 10:30am.
Customer to Liz:I hate this new set-up, there's never anyone working on the registers cos it's all self serve, the registers are too far away & they're a bad design, who put the eftos machine so far away from where everyone dumps their items?
Liz: It was designed by a man.
Customer: So cynical! And so young! (an old lady who thought I was hilarious)
Customer to Liz It's quiet now. I picked the right time to come (at 5pm, when all the normal shops in the world have finished trading for the Saturday)
Liz: Yeah, you did. If you came half an hour ago you would've been just about ready to kill yourself.
Customer to Liz (She's feeling sorry for me because of how busy we are, and starts helping me take the hangers off her $6 t-shirts. Two of the strings from the t-shirts are tangled together) "Oh look, they're friends"
LizI think it's time to end their relationship
Customer Sorry guys, we're tearing you apart. But don't worry, you can sleep on top of each-other in my cupboard. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (and from a lady in her 50s...)
and because I can:
Customer to Liz: Are You Having a good day?
Liz Well, you know. It's only 10:30am.
Customer to Liz:I hate this new set-up, there's never anyone working on the registers cos it's all self serve, the registers are too far away & they're a bad design, who put the eftos machine so far away from where everyone dumps their items?
Liz: It was designed by a man.
Customer: So cynical! And so young! (an old lady who thought I was hilarious)
Customer to Liz It's quiet now. I picked the right time to come (at 5pm, when all the normal shops in the world have finished trading for the Saturday)
Liz: Yeah, you did. If you came half an hour ago you would've been just about ready to kill yourself.
Customer to Liz (She's feeling sorry for me because of how busy we are, and starts helping me take the hangers off her $6 t-shirts. Two of the strings from the t-shirts are tangled together) "Oh look, they're friends"
LizI think it's time to end their relationship
Customer Sorry guys, we're tearing you apart. But don't worry, you can sleep on top of each-other in my cupboard. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (and from a lady in her 50s...)
and because I can:
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
ear-flushing & other wonderful things
So, today I FINALLY got my ears flushed!!!
This is totes exciting. I treated myself to a coffee scroll to mark the occasion. Tragic, I know. In short (sorry for the visuals here), my ears get blocked up with wax a bit more than the average person's, and so every six months or so I get them professionally 'flushed' by an ENT specialist. I've been looking forward to this day for a good month or so. So now, whenever I turn a lock or type or press a button or something I'm overwhelmed by how loud it sounds. It's wonderful.
However, it was rather embarrassing realising that denim shorts (I'm avoiding using the word hot shorts, though thats what they were) were inappropriate for the waiting room of a Hearing Clinic in a upper-middle class suburb in Melbourne. I was the youngest person in the room by about forty years. Awks...although, perhaps it was worth it. Young guy I haven't seen before at the coffee shop I went to was FAR too eager to smile at me & say have a nice day. Young guy was about five years too young and I felt bad for him, empty coffee shop with two middle-aged women bossing him around. Nice to know the Whitney legs still have it after last year's white chocolate & raspberry muffins, large soy cappuccinos & apple and walnut scrolls.
What else is new? I bought an awesome skirt online, even though I said I wasn't going to buy anything this week. I'm addicted to floral prints, god help me. I started watching Season 5 of Weeds (finally!) and the person who told me Weeds was turning to shit (if you still read this, you know who you are) was WRONG. Nancy, Shane, Andy, Silas, Isabelle, Celia, Doug & Dean are as hilarious as ever, however I'd like at least one episode where Silas walks around topless. Please?

Na night guys
This is totes exciting. I treated myself to a coffee scroll to mark the occasion. Tragic, I know. In short (sorry for the visuals here), my ears get blocked up with wax a bit more than the average person's, and so every six months or so I get them professionally 'flushed' by an ENT specialist. I've been looking forward to this day for a good month or so. So now, whenever I turn a lock or type or press a button or something I'm overwhelmed by how loud it sounds. It's wonderful.
However, it was rather embarrassing realising that denim shorts (I'm avoiding using the word hot shorts, though thats what they were) were inappropriate for the waiting room of a Hearing Clinic in a upper-middle class suburb in Melbourne. I was the youngest person in the room by about forty years. Awks...although, perhaps it was worth it. Young guy I haven't seen before at the coffee shop I went to was FAR too eager to smile at me & say have a nice day. Young guy was about five years too young and I felt bad for him, empty coffee shop with two middle-aged women bossing him around. Nice to know the Whitney legs still have it after last year's white chocolate & raspberry muffins, large soy cappuccinos & apple and walnut scrolls.
What else is new? I bought an awesome skirt online, even though I said I wasn't going to buy anything this week. I'm addicted to floral prints, god help me. I started watching Season 5 of Weeds (finally!) and the person who told me Weeds was turning to shit (if you still read this, you know who you are) was WRONG. Nancy, Shane, Andy, Silas, Isabelle, Celia, Doug & Dean are as hilarious as ever, however I'd like at least one episode where Silas walks around topless. Please?
Na night guys
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