Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cat Power, whiteheads, clothes & apple strudel scones

I've found a new Cat Power song to be obsessed with.

Placement tomorrow! Buying new outfits because my current rotation of social-work esque skirts are mostly summery, and it's absolutely fucking freezing yet I can't wear jeans/(don't fit in to them anyway) and I'm unsure of the length of a few of my other skirts. Now I've left today's purchase - a winter dress that I'm planning on wearing - in the boot of my car (everything stays in the boot of my car, especially when I've been binge spending...I drag it out of the boot sporadically). Which is great, because I had to park further down the street and now it's raining. Fantastic.

Still coughing! Can't pretend I'm not enjoying being sick/staying up & watching the Secret Life of Us/blasting my iPod. Last night: in bed by 10:30, blasting Jaylib in my underwear, sending messages. Actually was extremely social, and all from the comfort of my bedroom. I wish about 20% of my facebook friend's list would stop complaining about their equity exam though. I mean, they all CHOSE to do law.

On the facebook front, I've made a new rule for myself: I'm only allowed on facebook once a day, for a MAXIMUM of 30 minutes. Depending on how much I've missed out on. I'm being really good, I have to mentally stop myself from automatically typing in facebook when I open Internet Explorer...but it's working. And I'm no longer bored enough to read the comments of every facebook status of people I went to primary/high school with that I wouldn't even say "Hi" to down the street. It's a new lease on life. Perhaps it's bad that I'm finding a tv showed based around made-up characters more entertaining than real-life stories...but meh. I'm learning how to be productive. Sorta. I'm spending too much time on lastfm and tumblr instead, but don't tell anyone.

Next up: almost freedom! I'm 650 words away from having a life - after hours, anyway. I'm going out 3, possibly 4, not including Saturday nights this the fuck do I finish my essay? I was kinda planning on watching tv tonight...the downer is that I have this MASSIVE pimple (?)/whitehead on my lip. It needs to pop. I can't not pop it. It might be a coldsore. I have never had a coldsore/pimple/whitehead on my lip on this part of my face in all my almost 23 years. I am so self-conscious. This is so unfair. It has basically ruined my week.

Oh, and in addition to a new Cat Power song to fall in love with I've found a new food to fall in love with. Friends/my mother who read this: apple & walnut scrolls from baker's delight (with icing, NOT icing sugar) will always be number one but Baker's have started making apple strudel scones and these are bloody amazing. Wow.

Anyway, shower, dinner, assignment (?), Secret Life of Us, private iPod party, sleep. na night & good luck to all my friends reading this who NEED TO GET THE FUCK OFF FACEBOOK AND STUDY FOR THEIR EXAMS!!! (Guys, I can track how many page views I's gone up...)

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