Saturday, April 9, 2011

what's on my mind?

things i can't post to facebook because nobody cares & I might piss people off & then they might delete me & I want to keep stalking them.

1. Spice Girls - Spice is the best all-girl group album ever. If U Can't Dance, Naked...omg

2. Writing blogs in my dressing gown on a Saturday night is becoming a habit. As is not doing my homework. As of Tuesday no essays for a while...thank fuck for that.

3. Yesterday afternoon I decided that I'd go on a no junk food & no coffee blitz for one week, starting 6pm Friday. HOWEVER this morning I was so tired so I amended the plan to no sugar: this way I can have coffee & wine. I can't remember the last time I felt this empty.

4. My work shoes (which are supposed to be black) are turning grey. But I don't know how to use the shoe-cleaner (I believe its called polish?)

5. GOK was at Southland today. I don't understand the appeal. I think he's some sort of fashion stylist similar to Carlson Cressley? Furthermore, what's with the screaming? Honestly, people are like dogs: one starts barking/screaming, they all start barking. But if you're working at a shopping centre and there's crying babies...really. Adult females, of all people, should know better.

6. It's nearly been 1.5 days since I last ate sugar!

7. Nobody should wear crop-tops when they're running on Beach Rd bike track. Unless you've got rock-hard abs & the crop top is made of VERY THICK MATERIAL. Some people needed to be reminded of this.

8. I wish I could construct a paragraph and stop typing in dot points.

9. I shouldn't drink tea so late, imma gonna need to go to the bathroom like 10 times tonight. FML.

10. Alanis Morissette - Not The Doctor (Jagged Little Pill). Nostalgia.

11. My new red metallic Sigg waterbottle is overwhelmingly sexy.

...okay I'm done.

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