Friday, October 8, 2010

similar sounding songs, MY BIRTHDAY

The second time I've updated on workplace computers, whoops. Today I'm amazed by the number of songs that sound a bit like they belong to another artist. In short, I've been listening to the Natalie Imbruglia album 'Left of the Middle' and there is one song that...if you replaced Natalie's voice with Beth Gibbons' voice, you could swear it was a Portishead song.

Oh, and the Kashmir song "Art of Me" could pass for something by System of a Down song:

Other than that, YESTERDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY! I was lucky enough to go out for lunch with my fellow placement bodies, as well as for dinner with my parents. Ate way too much. Slept next to an ice-cream bucket due to excessive food quantity I felt like I could've vommed. Vegetarian Foccaccia, Oyster Salad, Tiramisu, Apple Tart. Seriously so full can't eat anymore! Back to diet! I got plenty of messages, and a bunch of flowers, too. Much better than my 21st, which I spent at work. My mother, as per usual, managed to come up with presents which I both want and need without going overboard (thank god; I have zero storage space & nothing I want except for books/cds/dvds/more time in life). I got some money/vouchers off a few relatives, which is lovely and all but it does make me feel a bit guilty. Is it just because my cousins have not yet reached 21 that they feel they are leaving me out if I don't get something? I'm 22? So now I'm at MOLS with a food hangover & wearing a skirt because I'm too scared to try on my jeans.

I have my iPod going & the plan is to work on my Masters' special work. Should I have gone on visitations with another student? And then gone shopping? Possibly. I need petrol, cash out and to go cd shopping. Yay for Melbourne Magistrates Court on Monday; the plan is to go city shopping in the morning YES!!!! So many cds I want, I swear I haven't been to Polyester in like a good 3 or 4 months & its becoming a problem. I hate not having time to listen to cds & read books; although I am very much enjoying The Good Parents.

There's nothing to do except reading which is really depressing. I was considering going to Clayton uni to do reading in peace but I'll probably just end up going to campus centre & walking around trying to find the library, getting lost & coming back to MOLS. I have lost inspiration for everything. AND there's no tv on because of the FUCKING Commonwealth games. At least I can catch up with Mad Men & Gossip Girl. eventually. Ugh. Herbal tea time.

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