Sometimes I need to remember that people do actually read this thing. I had three people who told me this today. Shit.
Same old story, avoiding homework. I did this earlier, too, by going to work & buying 4 cds & a t-shirt dress from Sportsgirl. As you do.
- Jonsi - Go
- My Morning Jacket - Z
- Belle & Sebastian - Dear Catastrophe Waitress (Can you believe I didn't own this?)
- Rufus Wainwright - the new one, I can't remember the title, I LOVE THIS MAN. Hopefully he's not gay, I just get him mixed up with Patrick Wolf because I swear if Patrick wasn't skinny with darker brown hair they'd look SO alike.
Various political commentary I've found amusing, ie. poking fun at the whole "Moving Forward" slogan:
1. The "Julia Gillard GPS"
2. Peter Costello's re-enactment (i.e member of the Opposition)
3. A Comment from my mother the other night:
"Do you notice that every baby she [Julia Gillard] cries?"
and then: "Julia looks like she's had botox"
and a few other funny things, again that only I will find funny
"my friends all just wanna go to Pony cos' its the only place they can get laid"
"We went to this place called Madame Brussels. It's supposed to look like a cross between Alice and Wonderland & Wisteria lane. It was a poor effort."
(the owners of these quotes both read this blog & shall remain anonymous...regardless, thankyou for adding some amusement to my day)
no more to add. Shower & read & sleep time, methinks. homework tomorrow, I SWEAR.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
boring rant
- I feel really, really sick. Like having eaten too much & all I need to do is lie down.
- I have 1825 words to write, preferably the end of Monday, at last hope it HAS to be in by next Friday
- I have INTENSE back pain. Okay so it's not that bad until I move: can't bend/lean, especially to my right. Putting on clothes/socks/anything that involves bending = pain. Working 6 hours yesterday I think made it worse, by 5:30 it was hurting standing up & it wasn't hurting standing up when I went in.
- They've fucked up my rosters at work. Which is actually quite normal. I'm too scared to call back, whatever, I'm not spending my money to fix up THEIR mistake. So apparently I'm contracted for Friday - um no, they changed my days, but I never received a contract saying that in writing, and my pay-slip kept paying me overtime for working on Fridays, even though it WAS/is a regular shift. So last Saturday, the business (not service roster, which everyone goes by, but its not the "formal" roster - it's always wrong, but you can't dispute it) rosters me on Monday & not on Friday, and the service roster wasn't done yet. So, I ring up & check, yes I'm working Monday, and if my Friday shift isn't on the business roster, I don't have to come. I agree to come in on Monday on the premise that I don't have to on Friday (after calmly explaining that I am a master's student, I can't work all afternoon every weekday I have no classes, I do actually have to spend significant time writing assignments/being on facebook). So they call me up on Friday asking why I've written 'Liz N/A' at the bottom of the roster. I was told to hold on the line, then 'I'll call you back in five minutes' and I haven't got a call back. So totally cbf to deal with work politics/admin fuck-ups. Seriously. It's retail. Please. Get over it.
Rant over. I have so much shit going on to organise & I hate having to wait for other people to get organised first. I do have one little comment from the lovely Catherine which was possibly the funniest thing said to me Wednesday (not word-for word):
"I nearly crashed my car this morning...there was a really hot guy & I was looking in his window...though I guess if I crashed my car & he came to help me, it would have been SO worth it"
- I have 1825 words to write, preferably the end of Monday, at last hope it HAS to be in by next Friday
- I have INTENSE back pain. Okay so it's not that bad until I move: can't bend/lean, especially to my right. Putting on clothes/socks/anything that involves bending = pain. Working 6 hours yesterday I think made it worse, by 5:30 it was hurting standing up & it wasn't hurting standing up when I went in.
- They've fucked up my rosters at work. Which is actually quite normal. I'm too scared to call back, whatever, I'm not spending my money to fix up THEIR mistake. So apparently I'm contracted for Friday - um no, they changed my days, but I never received a contract saying that in writing, and my pay-slip kept paying me overtime for working on Fridays, even though it WAS/is a regular shift. So last Saturday, the business (not service roster, which everyone goes by, but its not the "formal" roster - it's always wrong, but you can't dispute it) rosters me on Monday & not on Friday, and the service roster wasn't done yet. So, I ring up & check, yes I'm working Monday, and if my Friday shift isn't on the business roster, I don't have to come. I agree to come in on Monday on the premise that I don't have to on Friday (after calmly explaining that I am a master's student, I can't work all afternoon every weekday I have no classes, I do actually have to spend significant time writing assignments/being on facebook). So they call me up on Friday asking why I've written 'Liz N/A' at the bottom of the roster. I was told to hold on the line, then 'I'll call you back in five minutes' and I haven't got a call back. So totally cbf to deal with work politics/admin fuck-ups. Seriously. It's retail. Please. Get over it.
Rant over. I have so much shit going on to organise & I hate having to wait for other people to get organised first. I do have one little comment from the lovely Catherine which was possibly the funniest thing said to me Wednesday (not word-for word):
"I nearly crashed my car this morning...there was a really hot guy & I was looking in his window...though I guess if I crashed my car & he came to help me, it would have been SO worth it"
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Last night/this morning I went clubbing. The last time I did this obscene activity was...eighteen months ago? I guess I went along with the plans of the evening, convinced myself I'd have a good time (after one drink). As the last two sentences suggest: I hated it, what a waste of $10, with the exception of 'Finally' off the Priscilla soundtrack. Oh, and the car-trip (yes, we drove) to Chapel St & then on to South Melbourne. This crowded place called Marquee had mostly terrible music, and not just by my high standards either, I swear! They played 'All This Love' by the Similou & fuck it brought me back to schoolies when I had just turned eighteen. And two friends got hitted on & god, it really was like schoolies, where people fully 'go for it' in public - people who've never actually met before & are just going for the 'pash & dash.' Dear god, I used to actually do this. And then I ran into a guy I work with (2 years younger than me) & thought shit, is everyone here Psych Students from RMIT? Like undergrads? Communicating via text message (draft, not send) was also a completely new thing for me. Work guy to Liz: "Gonna be fucked tomorrow". Go figure.
I'd forgotten what it was like to watch out for your friends (the ones who need watching out for, anyway) & use tactics to rescue them from unwanted male attention. To use glowsticks & mobile phones as lights to find sticks of lipgloss in handbags. How to push through people assertively yet not aggressively. Oh, and the top level we went to had those flashing lights that people with epilepsy must avoid and this, combined with my eye-make-up (good pencil eyeliner but very, very old eyeshadow that should be thrown out) was hurting my eyes. Did I mention that our group were pretty much the oldest people there? And full of bogans? Either I'm really old or a serious snob/bitch.
A message I sent/showed to friends (including work guy): "I think all the flashing makes my eyes sore. Mayb I'm just too old. I'm ok, just a bit bored and the music is SHIT motherfucker.' Too fucking true. And one friend (the one who drove) later at Maccas: "Why do all the guys I dance with in clubs have to sing out-of-tune in my ear? It just makes me laugh"
Aforementioned guy to me later (after friend had deliberately disappeared): "Are you friends with ____? She's a nice girl. I'm not a sleaze*, I like her...I'll be over there"
*if you claim not to be a sleaze, automatically you are one
Ah well, I guess you go for the experience. I woke up at 10:50am (haven't done that in years either) and now I feel so, so guilty because I should have gone for a walk & done homework by now. All I've done is eat porridge, send a few text messages, eat fruit, read the back page of The Sunday Age & The herald Sun. And I have a dinner to go to. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH.
I'd forgotten what it was like to watch out for your friends (the ones who need watching out for, anyway) & use tactics to rescue them from unwanted male attention. To use glowsticks & mobile phones as lights to find sticks of lipgloss in handbags. How to push through people assertively yet not aggressively. Oh, and the top level we went to had those flashing lights that people with epilepsy must avoid and this, combined with my eye-make-up (good pencil eyeliner but very, very old eyeshadow that should be thrown out) was hurting my eyes. Did I mention that our group were pretty much the oldest people there? And full of bogans? Either I'm really old or a serious snob/bitch.
A message I sent/showed to friends (including work guy): "I think all the flashing makes my eyes sore. Mayb I'm just too old. I'm ok, just a bit bored and the music is SHIT motherfucker.' Too fucking true. And one friend (the one who drove) later at Maccas: "Why do all the guys I dance with in clubs have to sing out-of-tune in my ear? It just makes me laugh"
Aforementioned guy to me later (after friend had deliberately disappeared): "Are you friends with ____? She's a nice girl. I'm not a sleaze*, I like her...I'll be over there"
*if you claim not to be a sleaze, automatically you are one
Ah well, I guess you go for the experience. I woke up at 10:50am (haven't done that in years either) and now I feel so, so guilty because I should have gone for a walk & done homework by now. All I've done is eat porridge, send a few text messages, eat fruit, read the back page of The Sunday Age & The herald Sun. And I have a dinner to go to. AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
diagnosis: hoarding (is there any medication available???)
I've just created a lovely present to myself: a dvd draw. My top right draw is no longer filled with a few packets of pens, highlighters, page tabs, numerous waiting-to-be-opened pencils and gluesticks, faber-castel pens I can't bring myself to throw out, a box of derwent pencils I've had since primary school, shitty sunglasses (I've decided I actually like these 'cheap shit sunglasses to throw in the car glovebox', a pair of 'bumblebee' sunnies with brown not white rims which also slip right off my ears), a few old calculators and a compass. These have now been shoved on top of the stationary draw below it, full of (mostly unopened) notebooks and notepads, letter-writing sets and a 50 pack of envelopes. Yay for space! I have so, so, so much stuff. I have one friend, and whenever I go to her house I could almost cry. I want to pay this woman to organise my stuff. I'm quite sure she's got plenty of crap like I do, but her room/whole house (still living with the fam, but the kitchen & other bedrooms are no different)..literally OMG. it's like walking into a magazine shoot for Vogue magazine. I'm only 21 & yet I already own 350 cd albums and counting (cd singles from primary school not included, Spice Girls, Hanson & Backstreet Boys albums included), and 64 dvds. I know myself well enough to realise that I'll probably never throw any of these out till I'm dead. I'm looking forward to inheriting my Mum's books & the parental Six Feet Under dvd box set. But WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO WITH THIS STUFF? Thankfully, the amount of money I've spent doesn't really worry me, yeah I should be saving it to spend on furniture, but what the hell, lots of people my age would have spent double the amount on alcohol by now. Cds & Dvds give me pleasure, ok? Oh, and thats not including my (fiction) book collection. University text books I'll probably never throw out either, if only to show off to my future children: (I hope I have some!) 'yes, Mummy was smart, wasn't she?'
There's some sheet music, some magazines (I've got quite good at not buying these though, I'm buying more books instead & "making my life more meaningful" etc etc lol JK my second favourite website is and various photo albums too. A great idea would be to move out, and then I can start afresh at a new place & leave my parents to look after this stuff. Is it ridiculous to consider getting insurance on a cd collection?
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhh. And speaking of dvds I had the girls over to my house last night & we completely fried our brains on The Hills. I'm so embarrassed for Heidi, OMG. Funniest. Shit. Ever. On acold absolutely fucking freezing night, ugg boots, mini individual packets of popcorn & starburst babies & ducted heating on full blast & a licking hyperactive dog (mine) are the best thing ever. For about $2 absolute max per person, cheapest most amazing night ever.
In future: I have uni & therefore no life. Expect posts few & far between. (just quietly, 2 Distinctions & 1 HD this semester, haha I am wonderful)...
There's some sheet music, some magazines (I've got quite good at not buying these though, I'm buying more books instead & "making my life more meaningful" etc etc lol JK my second favourite website is and various photo albums too. A great idea would be to move out, and then I can start afresh at a new place & leave my parents to look after this stuff. Is it ridiculous to consider getting insurance on a cd collection?
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhh. And speaking of dvds I had the girls over to my house last night & we completely fried our brains on The Hills. I'm so embarrassed for Heidi, OMG. Funniest. Shit. Ever. On a
In future: I have uni & therefore no life. Expect posts few & far between. (just quietly, 2 Distinctions & 1 HD this semester, haha I am wonderful)...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I've come to the conclusion that it's not only 'cool' to be up-to-date with movies, current affairs & the latest new 'indy' band, one should also have a vague idea of whats currently considered a 'good' tv show. Which means burning dvds for your friends & they burn some back, or going to each other's houses with a USB stick. Apart from the news & Masterchef (which I don't watch; I was absolutely HORRIFIED when my Mum started getting addicted 2 weeks ago...then some chick called Marion got voted out & we started watching the 7:30 report again THANK FUCKING GOD), nobody watches real tv anymore yeah? Apart from Gossip-Girl re-runs on Go. My guess is that dvds of tv-shows have gone up (in price as well as popularity), and so its not that uncommon to buy whole seasons of tv shows without even watching an episode.
In the last few years I've accepted that 'good' tv shows basically means anything on HBO: Sex & The City (the movies were obviously not crash hot, but remember the first few seasons when it used to be on Channel 9 after ER on Thursdays/Eddie bloody Maguire?), Weeds (♥ ♥), Entourage (I can't get into it, but its well liked), Six Feet Under etc are all on HBO. Because I'm a hoarder, and because I love having 'the whole set' and can't help but feel peer pressured into knowing what people are on about when the discussion turns to tv shows, I must confess that I've bought myself
- Season 1 & 2 of True Blood (haven't watched)
- Season 1 & 2 of Mad Men (haven't watched apart from 4 eps of Season 1)
- Big Love Season 1 (I started watching it Season 2, I love the show but find it really hard to understand & figure for free (buy 2, get 1 free at JB) I could do with some background understanding).
The pattern here is that I've basically bought all this stuff but have yet to watch it. Thankfully, I like Mad Men so far. It's a bit slow, but I love the characters & I remember Peggy from when she was in Girl Interrupted (like one of my favourite movies of all time). I've read the first book by Charlaine Harris so I'm totally clueless. However Mum was alarmed at the number of dvds I have in my room (because I keep them there until I've watched them, at which point they return downstairs to the family collection, which is basically my dvds + Dad's burned dvds of car races that the kids at work have given him) and reminded me that in 10 years there will be no such thing as the dvd, everything will be a different format etc etc & now I feel really guilty.
In short, uni starts back next week & I've got a shitload of dvds I STILL haven't watched. I aimed to read 20 books in the last five weeks off (I've read 4, and I'm on my third, the new Lionel Shriver book 'So Much For That'), I've added more cds to my collection that I'll never find the time to lose myself in and I've accumulated more dvds and less space.
In the last few years I've accepted that 'good' tv shows basically means anything on HBO: Sex & The City (the movies were obviously not crash hot, but remember the first few seasons when it used to be on Channel 9 after ER on Thursdays/Eddie bloody Maguire?), Weeds (♥ ♥), Entourage (I can't get into it, but its well liked), Six Feet Under etc are all on HBO. Because I'm a hoarder, and because I love having 'the whole set' and can't help but feel peer pressured into knowing what people are on about when the discussion turns to tv shows, I must confess that I've bought myself
- Season 1 & 2 of True Blood (haven't watched)
- Season 1 & 2 of Mad Men (haven't watched apart from 4 eps of Season 1)
- Big Love Season 1 (I started watching it Season 2, I love the show but find it really hard to understand & figure for free (buy 2, get 1 free at JB) I could do with some background understanding).
The pattern here is that I've basically bought all this stuff but have yet to watch it. Thankfully, I like Mad Men so far. It's a bit slow, but I love the characters & I remember Peggy from when she was in Girl Interrupted (like one of my favourite movies of all time). I've read the first book by Charlaine Harris so I'm totally clueless. However Mum was alarmed at the number of dvds I have in my room (because I keep them there until I've watched them, at which point they return downstairs to the family collection, which is basically my dvds + Dad's burned dvds of car races that the kids at work have given him) and reminded me that in 10 years there will be no such thing as the dvd, everything will be a different format etc etc & now I feel really guilty.
In short, uni starts back next week & I've got a shitload of dvds I STILL haven't watched. I aimed to read 20 books in the last five weeks off (I've read 4, and I'm on my third, the new Lionel Shriver book 'So Much For That'), I've added more cds to my collection that I'll never find the time to lose myself in and I've accumulated more dvds and less space.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Nothing particularly new in my life. I've nearly finished Season 4 of the OC & I've bought yet another dvd (True Blood Season 2) that I probably won't even watch for six months. The good news is, I've finally forced myself to learn how to park. Sort of. You know how at shopping centres & gyms & car-parks in general & you have to squeeze your car between another two cars? and how the the spots are really really ridiculously small? and how you get paranoid because shit the car next to you has, like, a MASSIVE dent in the side & maybe the owner is even worse at parking than you & WHADDIF THEY SCRAPE YOUR CAR? Especially if they don't leave their wheels straight, so the wheels of this opposite car are facing directly as if they'd smack into your car once reversing. Or, god forbid your park is really shit & you're too scared to fix it because what if you hit the row of cars behind you while reversing. FML. Haha.
three loves:

Tricky - Suffocated (there's not actually a video)
Funniest scene from Season 1 of Weeds.
three loves:
Tricky - Suffocated (there's not actually a video)
Funniest scene from Season 1 of Weeds.
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