Thursday, May 20, 2010

cd hoarding

It's 11:45pm and why is it that I can be literally falling asleep on the couch at 7pm & then after trooping on to watch Neighbours, ABC News, The 7:30 Report, 10 minutes of MasterChef before Glee comes on and then Glee, I find this new burst of energy? I only had 2 coffees today and I've had much less sugar (but still way too much food, just in more fruity/yoghurty forms as opposed to yesterdays (ridiculously overweight) blueberry muffin from Cafe Monsu: fail at diet/life) than most days this week (a slither of the Banana Bread/apricot/mandarin something that Mum made for work, I decided I didn't like it and...willpower, I didn't eat all of it)...yet I am still buzzing.

So as I can't possibly justify doing my essay at this insane hour, I am blogging. I have headphones on loud. I am listening to Emily Haines, 'Pretty Head', and Boards of Canada the song 1969 is AMAZING and you should all download/buy it instantly.

It occurred to me yesterday, as I was buying (more) cds from JB Hi Fi, that I actually have a problem. I now have 350 cd albums. I have no place to put them. I can honestly say that about well over 100 of my cds have never been listened to more than five times (that isn't to say I don't know the music on them, I would've heard a few songs I became obsessed with and had to buy the album, or band loyalty - the reason I still buy stuff from Dashboard and TBS and Brand New, for instance) and I really need to stop buying them. But I just can't. I love the physical album and just looking at them and the memories of having them and wow. Will stop now. Yesterday I went along to pick up a few; Sianna Lee (who I saw at The Toff in town Saturday night), the new one from The Black Keys, and Pikelet's 'Stem' (I know I should use italics, but fuck html is annoying). I also bought 3 or 4 cds last week. Yet basically I've been spinning Thom Yorke's 'The Eraser' when I've been home this week. I think on my next visit I'm going to have to put an order in for Tricky's 'Knowle West Boy' and Thievery Corporation's 'The Cosmic Game' because I'm sick of waiting for them to magically come in stock. Must stop hoarding.

I have roughly 1000/3000 (2000 done) + 1500 + 3000 + 2500 = 8000 words to write by June 11; so I'm a tad stressed. I also seem to be working 16.5 hours a week AND actually going to classes AND power-walking 5 of 7 days a week AND...must stop turning post into major complaint.

I wish I could write essays as quickly as I write this post.

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