Sunday, September 12, 2010

my inability to drive

I haven't posted for ages; my motivation is lacking. I've had a great time the last few weekends; even if this weekend I was a 'grandma' and attended pre-drinks, but didn't head all the way out to CQ because I'm lazy and busy and stressed. The latest essay the progressing stages (75 words today so far wooohooooo), but I'm really intensely freaking about when the fuck I'm going to finish it; I'm working 55 hours a week (university placement + Big W) and I'm supposed to finish essays as well? FML. I'm going out in about an hour; the mother & I are taking a driving lesson to where my placement is (Clayton) & I am also tres stressed about getting there without causing major accidents. I have to cross Princess Hwy, SHIT SHIT SHIT I can't drive for shit & some days I think this problem of mine is getting worse. I'm at an age where my inability to drive is no longer acceptable, my group of friends and I are much more sophisticated and grown up now, we rely on designated drivers more often than public transport and taxi's, and driving to places an hour + away is no big deal. But I'm the little baby that needs to be escorted not because I'm an alcoholic & i want to drink (I very rarely drink) but because I'm not the slightest bit capable of driving anywhere more than 10ks away from my house. And, because I work Friday nights now, if I wanna go out somewhere afterwards...well, I have to drive and I can't so I can't go. I'm also really bad at driving in the dark and the rain (rain I can handle just not when its dark as well)...and I used to be fine with it. I've come to the conclusion that I'm not THAT bad of a driver (really, there are so many idiots out there and I'm rarely one of them; I don't ever do anything dangerous), I'm just an extremely extremely nervous driver and a shit parker. I'm actually a really confident driver when I know where I'm going & I blast the radio (especially PBS' hip hop/reggae/dancehall program on Saturday evenings). If you tailgate me I become petrified and probably drive way over the speed limit because I just have visions in my head of people running into me. But anyway. End rant. I have to drive 20ks this afternoon & hopefully I will be able to psych myself up for the trip tomorrow morning. I've borrowed a book on CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) techniques for my latest assignment (topic: managing anxiety) and so perhaps I should apply some of these techniques to myself. I'm serious.

Wow, that was one serious paragraph in one. I really wish people would stop app earring offline on FB, I'm bored and want to avoid my assignment some more, talk to me? I also wish there was lots of posts on Monash Stalker Space to read. Because on the way home from Clayton we have to visit my Grandparents this means I can't go in my tracky-dacs which means I have to squeeze into my jeans again FML I have put on so much weight and I was in agony sitting down in these jeans at pre's. I really should stop making certain comments aloud and making people embarassed, "I can't wait to go home and take these jeans off" amognst other things. And now I have to drive in these jeans? Apparently I have skinny legs...not anymore. argh. Damn. But those multigrain cracker things were really good. Eggs on toast are AMAZING as are bega cheese stringers. Eggs on toast + dvd collection + Sunday Age magazines + herbal tea = ultimate Sunday afternoon fantasy. I wish my essay would burn in hell.

Okay I'm blabbering. Recent musical discoveries/re-discoveries:

The Virgins - One Week of Danger here

***(For the kids that like stuff similar to Animal Collective)

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