The fact is, I'm a chronic diary writer. This begun in primary school after I watched the movie 'Harriet the Spy' with Michelle Tratchenberg

It got to the point where I was hiding plastic mirrors in my dressing gown pockets & running around the backyard with a journal, writing down notes like the fact that the old couple in the house next door to us were watching tv. I should not be admitting this in a journal I post publicly. Anyway. I LOVED this movie, I wonder if I've still got it on video somewhere?
And so I've written journals daily ever since, up to about three years ago. When I stopped it wasn't a conscious decision, I actually felt really really guilty about 'not writing' as I had previously obsessively made time to make sure I wrote at least one page a day. Even if it was just a paragraph. I guess I just let myself off for a few days because I got home late, and then it became a pattern, and I don't feel guilty anymore. Whenever I go through all my stuff/shit I realise that I have so, so many boxes of journals scrambled around my room & I actually can't read anything I've written. But I'll probably never throw them out because they are too special.
And I guess the point of this post was to acknowledge to myself that yeah, I do miss writing journals & reading back on what I felt after a particular event or whatever. I'm much more honest and analytical these days though, so I probably should exercise some level of self-restraint. I've written two days of placement journal and I realised that I was writing things that actually had nothing to do with placement, and quotes people had told me and how I was amused by them. I. miss. being. a. chronic. journal- er.
Quote of the day: "Is it ethical to stalk clients on facebook?"
nb: obviously no names/agencies etc will be mentioned.
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