1. I'm in a blasting Cat Power mood. So that's what I'm doing.
2. I think if iTunes was removed from my computer, and I got Mum to change my password to facebook (so I didn't know what it was), I would be able to do all my work in a day.
3. Screw homework; I bought Cosmopolitan Body magazine & also Russh. If I was a lesbian, I would want Jessica Stam as my lover.
4. Skinny magazine pictures do not motivate me to stop eating too much.
5. On that note, I MADE COOKIES! Well, Mum made them & I watched. Well, I did occassionally put sugar into the magimix & sift things & make little balls & stare at the oven for AGES. Anyway, some lovelies in my course are going to South Africa for their last social work placement, so they're having a cake stall to raise some money. We're contributing. I literally haven't baked in years. I hate it. It's too fucking hard! haha, I was constantly like "it's okay, that'll do" and Mum shot me down every time "It will NOT do Elizabeth, if you don't do it properly, it won't work out right." So tonight after Big Love I am spending time wrapping up biscuits in cellophane.
6. The people at Rebel Sport are mean.
7. Everyone should donate to Caring and Living As Neighbours (CLAN), the organisation my group is working with for our Community Engagement Project.
8. Music blogs should also be taken away from me
9. Sia's new stuff isn't great, but Healing Is Difficult and Colour The Small One, especially the former, are AMAZING.
10. I bought the new Radiohead & Britney Spears cd's at the same time. Absolute walking contradiction.
11. Need to stop fucking liking everything on facebook.
12. Walking around the house with the zip undone on my jeans is not attractive, and kind of embarrassing when my Dad comes home.
13. I hate being a hermit.
14. This is a filler, I'm trying to make it to 20.
15. I'm really pissed off I missed the Incoming show on RRR because I had to make cookies.
16. I've only used 3% of the download limit so far this month!!!! Omg, I LOVE having 50gig a month.
17. BUT, I've used 2/3rds of my phone cap & have 2.5 weeks to use $60. Fuck you, Optus, I was good at not spending money on my phone until you lured me in with your fucking cap plan.
18. Dinner's ready!!!! I officially give up at 18.
19. This is great:
DM167 by Albatross
20. This is also great:
Faithful (Common Cover) by The Townhouses
(yeah, I'm into all this shit now.
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