Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1. I'm in a blasting Cat Power mood. So that's what I'm doing.
2. I think if iTunes was removed from my computer, and I got Mum to change my password to facebook (so I didn't know what it was), I would be able to do all my work in a day.
3. Screw homework; I bought Cosmopolitan Body magazine & also Russh. If I was a lesbian, I would want Jessica Stam as my lover.
4. Skinny magazine pictures do not motivate me to stop eating too much.
5. On that note, I MADE COOKIES! Well, Mum made them & I watched. Well, I did occassionally put sugar into the magimix & sift things & make little balls & stare at the oven for AGES. Anyway, some lovelies in my course are going to South Africa for their last social work placement, so they're having a cake stall to raise some money. We're contributing. I literally haven't baked in years. I hate it. It's too fucking hard! haha, I was constantly like "it's okay, that'll do" and Mum shot me down every time "It will NOT do Elizabeth, if you don't do it properly, it won't work out right." So tonight after Big Love I am spending time wrapping up biscuits in cellophane.
6. The people at Rebel Sport are mean.
7. Everyone should donate to Caring and Living As Neighbours (CLAN), the organisation my group is working with for our Community Engagement Project.
8. Music blogs should also be taken away from me
9. Sia's new stuff isn't great, but Healing Is Difficult and Colour The Small One, especially the former, are AMAZING.
10. I bought the new Radiohead & Britney Spears cd's at the same time. Absolute walking contradiction.
11. Need to stop fucking liking everything on facebook.
12. Walking around the house with the zip undone on my jeans is not attractive, and kind of embarrassing when my Dad comes home.
13. I hate being a hermit.
14. This is a filler, I'm trying to make it to 20.
15. I'm really pissed off I missed the Incoming show on RRR because I had to make cookies.
16. I've only used 3% of the download limit so far this month!!!! Omg, I LOVE having 50gig a month.
17. BUT, I've used 2/3rds of my phone cap & have 2.5 weeks to use $60. Fuck you, Optus, I was good at not spending money on my phone until you lured me in with your fucking cap plan.
18. Dinner's ready!!!! I officially give up at 18.
19. This is great:

DM167 by Albatross

20. This is also great:

Faithful (Common Cover) by The Townhouses

(yeah, I'm into all this shit now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have a love hate relationship with Etsy. This morning I've been doing research for my assignment which inevitably means I've ended up on music blogs, celebrity, etsy, topshop, asos, RRR & PBS tracklists and the abc website.

In short, I decided I wanted a 'funky' alternative looking coat, only to find some really strange (but really cool) one with purple flowers which actually displayed measurements so I can assume it would fit me, for only $15 + $7 postage only to discover the user doesn't ship to Australia. I refuse to believe this is a sign it's not meant to be.

Also, when I search for jackets and I figure that I may as well search men & women because heaps aren't classified, does it mean I have to view baby jackets as well? Some look so nice in the thumbnail sized pictures :(

AND I'm not going to buy a $300 knitted jumper from some random in Germany off Etsy. It's just not happening. Sorry.

Secondly, I want all this cool stuff now but THANK.GOD. I haven't payed my credit card bill yet cos' then I'd be buying it all, I've maxed it out (again) and it's due at the end of the month but I cbf going into the bank and paying it yet. Waaah. Also, my cd list is up to 19. Fuck.

On another note, I can finish 200g of chocolate in under minutes. This is disturbing and needs to be amended. Too much sugar, coffee or fat makes me shaky and I can't concentrate. Need to remind myself of this. Fuck # 2.

Because of the chocolate I have avoided the walk but I'd better do that soon, so at least I can say I've done something productive today.

Andras Fox - I Don't Wanna Go (Live Monome 002) by Andras Fox

Monday, March 21, 2011

So on Saturday night I dragged a (non-indie music aware, let alone fan) friend of mine along to see Brous and Pikelet at The Toff in Town. I wore my purple tights and ankle boots and felt relatively indie-looking, however of course as per usual I feel this way when I look in the mirror at home & then arrive and feel like a teeny-bopper. Even with my new fringe, which as of yesterday I have decided to never leave the house without it pinned up for at least the next six months (I won't write an essay on this, I'm too ashamed). However, on this note, my friend wore an outfit I was in admiration of. At her house:

Me: "I like what you're wearing, you look cool"
My friend: "I'm trying to look 'indie.' If I wear my CQ dress I'll get shot"

Later on:
My friend: There are so many hot indie guys here. Except, they sit in groups of 2-3 and don't talk to anyone. It's such a waste of hot people.

Text-message from my friend's awesome sister:
"...she must really like you if she's prepared to brave the indie music scene..."

My friend's response:"You can drag me anywhere where hot guys are, Liz"

haha, I LOVE this girl. She gets top points for sitting through the entire two hour show!!!

I really enjoyed the first act & I love Evelyn too but I think I prefer her cd-wise, if only because so many people treat the Toff like a bar & so lots of people talk. Pikelet weird music is best suited for my headphones at night where there is ZERO background noise. I think I actually scared the shit out of my friend: "this music's really kooky Liz'...she's right. I think I scared her when I went & stood up during 'Weakest Link' and 'Pillow Castles' and 'Swooping Buzzards.' Oh well.

Bad part of the night: I drove > didn't drink. lemon & lime & bitters, LAME. And, because I haven't had them for AGES and because I hardly ever go to the city/Chadstone to get some, I got Lord of the Fries. They were shit. Epically dissappointed. Didn't stop me eating the whole box (I wanted a cone, they gave me a box? I guess I can't complain) in under 20 minutes though. Bloody typical. My second dinner. I miss drinking. Damn assignments to hell. Social research?

Hmm. So i better go downstairs cos the 7:30 report is on. Monday night is educational tv night where I get to not feel guilty about not doing assignments YAY!!! TADA!!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

baring my soul: admitting embarrassing obsessions & events

1. My mobile phone is epically fucked. I had it plugged into my phone-car-charger thingy today,

[and whilst now I'm at home & reading journal articles for uni(and blogging, and on facebook, and making playlists on iTunes...multi-tasker/procrastinator/very short attention span)]

and now the damn thing basically has two bars of battery but the bars keep looking like it's charging, keep going up & down...I haven't had it on charger for like 4 hours. Fantastic. Good one nokia.

2. Top 5 Pop songs I really like at the moment, which is really embarrassing for me to admit:
- On The Floor (Jennifer Loper ft. some rapper)
- Heads Will Roll/Thriller (Glee Cast) (amazing!)
- We R Who We R (Kesha) (I blame work placement)
- Pon De Replay (Rhianna) (I blame 'The Hills')
- Knock Em Out' (Lily Allen) (is it cool to like Lily Allen these days? Can she be cool in the Mike Skinner way? I'm unsure, but, yeah, this is fu-neeee)

[don't judge me. I'm listening to RRR right now because I am saaaaaaa indie, ya'll.

3. Need to get back in touch with current affairs? Aiming to watch the news, 7:30 Report & Australian Story tonight. AND, Julia Gillard's gonna be on Q & A. The million dollar question is, can I stay awake?

4. Need to not behave like a toddler when I get lost when driving. Fucking incompetent people who work/volunteer at Caulfield Racecourse. In short,

1. it was the Caravan show which meant I couldn't turn right into station street
2. I was forced to follow the queue of cars that were turning left on Kambrook Rd somewhere into 'Public Car Park'
3. Went under some random tunnel.
4. I've never parked my car on the grass before. Had to follow cars on a dirt road & follow directions given to me by old men wearing fluro hi-visibility polo's.
5. Parked my poor baby car a relatively safe distance away from other cars where I could get out.
6. Asked for help to get to 'Caulfield station'
7. Was told to 'walk' the same way I walked in
8. Get to the tunnel, am told I have to go & drive my car out, I can't walk anywhere, I'm trapped, everything is gated, FUCK.
9. Spend quite a while walking around trying to find my car. Sit in car, call a girl from uni & my mother. Scream at my mother because it's her job to come rescue me in situations like this. Explain that its impossible to walk to uni & that I'm trapped. Cry.
10. Sit & post on facebook as an attention-seeking exercise
11. Realise another car in the next row is leaving, then follow them out.
12. Get the fuck out of the caravan show.
13. Have no idea where I am, somewhere off Kambrook? Park in a sidestreet & follow gps. Am too scared to turn right a few times so go straight & eventually find South Road.
14. Am home before the lecture finishes. Eat chocolate to calm the fuck down.

Wow. That's a lot of steps.

I have written FAR too much.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

In The Loop

So basically I'm a loser & spent Saturday night in my dressing gown watching "In The Loop" on my laptop. HILARIOUS!!! It's kinda like The Hollowmen, except with British accents and more bad language. OMG!!!! I'm not intelligent enough to understand all the political references, so I'm not about to post a review on it, but can I just say - I want/need to marry Peter Capaldi. Srsly, that guy is absolutley fucking hysterical, and SUCH good swearer. For example:

Malcom (Peter Calpaldi's character)(opening line): Good morning, my little chicks and cocks.

Malcom: Y'know, I've come across a lot of psychos, but none as fucking boring as you. You are a real boring fuck. Sorry, sorry, I know you disapprove of swearing so I'll sort that out. You are a boring F, star, star, CUNT!

Malcolm Tucker: Linton! Linton!
Linton Barwick: Mr Tucker, isn't it? Nice to see you again.
Malcolm Tucker: Are you fucking me about?
Linton Barwick: Is there a problem, Mr Tucker?
Malcolm Tucker: I've just come from a briefing with a nine-year-old child.
Linton Barwick: You're talking about AJ. AJ is one of our top guys. He's a Stanton College Prep, Harvard. One of the brightest and best.
Malcolm Tucker: Well, his briefing notes were written in alphabetti spaghetti. When I left, I nearly tripped up over his fucking umbilical cord.
Linton Barwick: I'm sorry it troubles you that our people achieve excellence at such an early age. But could we just move on to what's important here? Now, I understand that your Prime Minister has asked you to supply us with some, say, fresh British intelligence, is that true?
Malcolm Tucker: Yeah, apparently, your fucking master race of highly-gifted toddlers can't quite get the job done...
Linton Barwick: All right.
Malcolm Tucker: ...between breast feeds and playing with their Power Rangers. So, an actual grown-up has been asked to fucking bail you out.

(thanks to IMBD

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

it's been more than a week!

1. When textbooks on groupwork theory use group sex as an example they are are SO much more interesting

2. I am officially the luckiest parker in the world. I might suck shit at parking but I'm excellent at finding the last park at Caulfield station.

3. I'm so reliable - who else would get up (in last nights clothes)(hungover) (not even in my own house) and drive kids home to work at 7:30am on Sunday morning? For free? LEGEND.

4. Gotta stop eating Apple & walnut scrolls. And cashew nuts by the bucketful. Srsly. I'm too scared to try on my jeans. DETOX.

5. To get my fringe back or not? I'm growing my hair longer & getting rid of my layers, hmm...

6. Nurse Jackie is magnificent.

7. Old song I remembered today (I know the video's sooooo cheesy!!!):

8. An amazing song from a great Melbourne band I keep hearing on the radio & purchased the EP (or LP? At 7 songs, I'm confused) but am not cool enough/cbf convincing my Fox Fm listening friends to go see.

9. I like to pretend 'I am Devine' too...

10. OMG! I'm cool enough to work out how to share a song via soundcloud now! soooooo indie lolz :

Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra by wavegod