Friday, March 12, 2010


I've decided to keep up with this thing, if only because people have described my blog as being:
'the fucking most hilarious shit I have ever read in my life
Go me. Clearly this is an Australian blog.

Oh, and I'm addicted to it as well; I talk to myself as if I'm writing a blog & I 'wrote' this in my head as I was walking today; guess what tonights topic is? WALKING.

So most people know me as this crazy obessive walker given both the frequency and pace that I walk. I've mentioned this before. Anyway. I don't really like it that much, I got into it for the dog/exercise & this is all a lie because I absolutely fucking hate exercise. I hate it with a passion, I suck at ball sports, I have no co-ordination, no interest and no understanding of game rules or how to follow said rules. I did however once upon a time enjoy table-tennis... and remember those pole things you stuck in the grass with a tennis ball attached on a string and you watched the ball go round & round & whacked it with a plastic tennis bat? I LOVED this game and I actually got good at it & you can buy them for $19.94 at Big W but the grass in everyone's backyard is dead & its really hard to dig a hole for the thing & I'm too old & my dog would get hit and I don't have time for fun anymore so I don't play.

The only exercise I do like is dancing to Britney/Lady Gaga/obscene rap music; I occassionally dance to 'other' music but the issue here is that most of the music I like is not music you can really dance to - its more likely that I'll be having a Pandora Moon (from Skins) dance moment to the tune of Fireworks by Animal Collective or 15 Steps by Radiohead or something non-discoey like that. I'd have to be drunk & so would everyone around me.

I like showing off about 'I went for a walk for like, 7ks today' (not sure how far I went today in k's) but what I really enjoy about walking is listening to my iPod on full blast. It's great when you go at like early afternoon just after lunch & NOT mid-morning when EVERYONE else walks so its quiet and there's no cars and its just you & loud music. I put my 12,000+ songs on shuffle and this is how I discover music; today I realised how much 'Setting Up Shop' by Aloha reminds me of 'Bennie and the Jets' by Elton John. And how I love how random my iPod can be; from Animal Collective to Brand New to The Smiths to Interpol to British India to Kanye West.

I've been so exhausted from doing my uni readings (Dimensions of Human Behaviour: The Life Course, or 'Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills, anyone?), my eyes are killing me and I can only manage about 20 pages before my eyes and my brain need a rest. And theres about like 500 pages; I swear I've literally read about that much this week! So, I guess being tierd means I'm lethargic and I really didn't feel like walking. But Murphy was shitting me so we went; I don't know why I procrastinated. I began to appreciate the sun & further improving on my sock tan line & generally watching moving objects for a change (read: mothers driving their ratbag children home in well-kept mercedes benz's and/or bmw station-wagons & an assortment of 'landscape gardener' vans).

But whatever. I think I'd better make myself a late-night snack & read the last bit of this chapter. I've had dinner, watched Neighbours & Gossip Girl & Brothers & Sisters (yes, that means I've actually worked out how to use the tIvo!) & I want to be sleeping soon... nightey night.

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