Sunday, March 7, 2010

I really need to get off the computer

The title of this blog post says it all. Actually, it needs the insertion of the word 'fuck' to make the sentence complete: I really need to get off the fucking computer

Today I woke up at like 10:17am which is extremely late for me & the day improved immensly when mother & I went out for breakfast and I consumed a soy cappucino. Man, I fucking hate Brighton. Gay guy in his skin-tight Nudie jeans and fantastic shoes ushered us to our table; soooo many people there that we couldn't hear ourselves speak and yes my mother & I could quite easily pass off as people who live in Brighton but we do not and oh god cringe cringe at the 'yummy mummies' next to us. They left and then these 2 middle-aged guys sat next to us, business mates of some sort I thought, and one of them wanted scrambled eggs WITHOUT toast and I was like ggaah where is your carbohydrates? (Just quietly, I had sourdough toast w/ avacado and tomato and fetta and pesto and a poached egg and of course my cappucino).

Despite Melbourne's gastly tropical weather I managed to go for a walk & I didn't take Murph so I feel bad and he hates me. Poor baby. My poor baby angel precious gorgeous darling baby mummy loves you! The poor thing suffered extreme separation anxiety this week as I went back to uni; now he has to suffer abuse from my mother all the time and I'm not around to rescue him. Like when he runs around the house and Mum will shout 'waaaaallllking Murphy' and he just stares at her like she's a crazy person and then looks to me: 'Mummy, save me?' Lolz. I don't think my dog is that deep.

At about 5pm I decided I should actually do some study so I read one page of a case study and made some notes; I then had a nap/just really listened to music lying down and now I'm up again and blogging. Dinner is perhaps half-an-hour away so after dinner I will do some work. 'After, after, after''s like that facebook group 'it's okay I will do it later' which is absolutely the story of my life.

In other news, please pray for my idiotic father who is driving the truck home with his workmate from car-racing from Wakefield Park interstate somewhere tonight/tomorrow morning. My father (who is in his 60s) still thinks driving in this weather (forecast worst storms in a decade or simular) at night is normal. Anyway. Goodnight all. Hope the hangover recovery has been successful!

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