I mean, you could be satisfied enough watching it solely for Dr. Chris (Don Hany), Patrick (hello!!!!) or the guy that used to play Jack in Neighbours. This has led to much debate regarding the whole Nina/Chris Havel/Patrick triangle; in the first season we were all in LOVE with Chris Havel, but now, well, Patrick is sooo much more gorgeous and Chris missed his chance and now he's come back and his hair is all wrong. One friend & I were sending numerous text-messages on the topic last week..."I want Patrick to kiss me like that"..."I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Nina for this betrayal"...and even "lol I'm in my trackies and ugg boots. Dreaming that he will love me however I look..Patrick loves me for me lol lol lolz"...oh and "that black suit and jacket is the sexiest thing a man has ever worn" (please note the text-message extracts are ones my friend sent me, so I can't take credit for their total-hilarz content)
It's worth watching for Asher Keddie & Kat Stewart's acting & Eddie Perfect's hilarious song compositions. However, I was informed the other day that both Nina (Asher Keddie) and Bille's wardrobes on the show were gaining lots of admirers. (The Nina Proudman fashion page on facebook has 4000+ followers at the time of typing) My mother seems to have the impression that I am totally in awe of Nina's wardrobe. My mother is in her 50s & despite being quite well-dressed for her age (I know she reads this, so I'm being nice but honest too), Nina's outfits are perhaps a little 'busy' for her taste. Me: I like colours, patterns, scarves...not so big on accessories but otherwise, yes, I do like Nina's wardrobe with the exception of jeans at a hospital. Also, I've noticed that Nina & I both tend to wear our denim jackets alot.
It should be no surprise then, that when (again with the assistance of my mother, being on holidays means we spend WAY too much time together) we were doing the wardrobe clean-out/Mum discovers all the hidden new clothes on my floordrobe and chairdrobe with the tags still on, we found ourselves labelling items of clothing to be 'Nina outfits' or 'Billie outfits.' Hahaha. And when I went out last night, I said to dear Mother "I'm wearing a really Nina outfit because I can't do up my jeans"...FUCK I LOVE OFFSPRING.