1. I subscribed to radio station PBS a few weeks ago. I’m still waiting for it to arrive in the mail; but I’m pleased to have done this. I’m yet to decide whether I’ll put the bumper sticker on my car yet – I’m hesitant to ‘wreck’ the glass, but I like the idea of having ‘indy cred.’ In truth, I’m self-conscious about being female, having blonde highlights, green p-plates and driving a (15 year old) black, European, girly (its a hatch-back) car. To top it off, I’m not the world’s best driver (if you’ve read far enough back in this blog that should be fairly obvious, apologies I’m not snazzy enough with technology to be bothered to link back to posts featuring the topic ‘reasons why Liz is a shit driver’. I feel that if I was to put such bumper stickers on my car I would automatically be given more respect on the road. Currently I get little, depending on which suburb I’m driving in. Automatically my car assumes I’m a teenybopper, but I guess when I blast The Breeders – Canonball (8:30am this morning) or random Colombian music (2:30pm today) I confuse people.
2. I’ve discovered Etsy and the Polyester Records online store. I’ve finally got around to setting up my bank accounts in such a way where I can buy things online. I’ve always thought this was unnecessary, knew about all these websites but never looked because I knew I wouldn’t be able to buy anything anyway. So, in two days I’d subscribed to PBS online, bought a 60s red bag off Etsy (here’s hoping its good! It hasn’t come yet...) and some earrings last week and a bunch of cds off the Polyester site. JB doesn’t often have what I want these days unless its a relatively recent release (I buy back catalogue cds as much as I buy newly released ones) and I don’t currently have a lot of time to go to Polyester (not game enough to drive to Fitzroy, no time to get to city store/too stingy to spend $10 on a single daily train ticket to get to the city, ie doing a Masters degree = not eligible for concession = fml). My first ever online purchase arrived on Saturday (well I picked it up then), an old Boards of Canada cd I was omg so excited!!!
3.Kettle chips are amazing and Red Rock Deli will never be as good. Kettle Chips used to be even better, before they brought in the new packaging a year and a bit ago, because before the new packaging when I was more obsessive about food calories etc....did you know that since the new packaging started, they have 5-7.5g less fat? And not as crunchy? I actually noticed this when I had Kettle chips in the new packaging for the first time. Now they have roughly equal fat content to Red Rock Deli per 100g, ok so obviously this was so Kettle could advertise being 25% less fat than regular chips or whatever it is (seriously, I don’t know) but it pisses me off because I figure if I’m gonna go all out & have potato chips I want the fatty ones that taste better. So Kettle chips are still amazing and they were around before Red Rock Deli so I’ll always be loyal to Kettle over Red Rock Deli but I’m disappointed.
4. Secret Life of Us Season 1-4 on dvd! Yay for dvds coming out but booo for having no time to watch them
5. New Devandra Banhart cd; first cd where I’ve liked the second half of the album (usually the “filler” tracks) better than the first. Seriously. Tracks 8-14 are more my taste as opposed to the first half; even if the first half includes “Baby” and “Angelika” – the two singles I know of. The second half is more what I listen to Devandra Banhart for. Love him.
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